May all of you realize your vision in TK. Because the webmaster is usually very busy, backstage contact submissions can not all reply, very sorry!

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Tik Tok TikTok, 11 1 year ago (2023-04-07) 17931次浏览 Included 72 comments Scan the QR code
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The previous two node tutorials were updated, one failed, one was said to be very slow, were deleted. Today to update another node construction method, speed pro-test to meet the needs of everyone's TikTok operation

Stern Statement:

This tutorial is only for learning and communication use, non-original, reproduced with the original intention of helping you to enter the TikTok cross-border e-commerce, cross-border trade and commerce for the country to earn foreign exchange use. Do not go to browse, publish jeopardize the countrysuretyThe message, love your country, love your party and remember to remember to remember!!!!


Full text

Buy Server

First, we need to buy an overseas server, recommendedhostwindsThe server, which can change IPs and supports paypal, is not expensive and is perfect. Next introduced

Trojan construction method some server vendors limit the performance of the server is not built (such as vultr), thehostwindsPersonal test can be built, so recommended

Click to go directly to hostwinds official website

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Click on "order" to enterhostwindsRegistration interface, if you do not have an account, you can register one, register to choose China before you have the function of changing IP and Alipay payment. If you already have, after logging in will jump to the purchase interface, purchase configuration as follows can be referred to:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

After that, if the country you chose before is China and you don't have a proxy to enter normallyhostwindswebsite, then there will be a paypal payment, just choose to pay.

An email will be sent to your email address after purchase with detailed information about the server.

Check if the server IP is normal

In this step, we need to perform a test on our open server IP, to detect whether this IP is walled, if it is walled, we need to replace it with a new server IP, otherwise the construction of nodes on the walled IP will not be connected even if the construction is finally completed.

Find our hostwinds server IP at

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

After finding the server IP, we need to detect it, you can useThis websiteTesting, the results of which are classified as follows:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

The first situation: domestic pass, foreign pass, that means the IP is normal, not walled, can use

The second situation: domestic can not, foreign pass, that IP is walled, need to replace the IP

The third situation: domestic can not, foreign can not, most of the VPS machine did not start well, to see if it has started

If you open to the second case of IP, that is, the walled IP, then you have to change an IP.hostwindsThe steps for changing IP are as follows:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

ClickFix ISP blockAfter that, you need to wait for a period of time to let it replace a new IP, may also sometimes point after no response or the original IP, wait a little longer or press a few more times, after replacing the IP you also need to detect once again whether the newly replaced IP is walled, the specific method has been described above. Theoretical replacement within 3 times should have a good IP, because it can be convenient to change the IP at will, for the sake ofhostwindsUsed by many people to do messy projects, so some IP inevitably be walled, be patient.

Next, we need to have a domain name

Buy domain name, resolve to server

Recommend tonamesiloPurchase code, international big site, no audit, support paypal

After purchasing a domain name, add a resolution in the DNS resolution interface to resolve the domain name to your server IP

To access the namesilo DNS resolution interface:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Add the first parse:Select the type of resource record to be created--A--Enter @ for the hostname--IPV4 address is filled in with your server IP--Click SUBMIT--The first resolution is complete

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Add a second paraphrase:Select the type of resource record to be created--A--Enter www as the host name--IPV4 address is filled in with your server IP--Click SUBMIT--Second resolution completed

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Next, wait for DNS resolution to complete, you can enter the command interface by using the shortcut key wind+R and then typing cmd enter, typeping your domain nameIf the return is the server IP you filled in, it is successful, if it shows timeout, you still need to wait, if the waiting time is too long, try DNS resolution again

Once the DNS resolution of the domain name is complete, the next step is to connect and deploy it.

Connection Deployment

Download ssh toolFinalShellDownload, install, and open

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

FindhostwindsThe username, password:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Find and enter the information about your server and connect to it at

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

To access the ssh interface:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial


We need to enter two lines of code:

Install the Curl dependency package:

CentOS and Fedora systems:centos: yum update -y && yum install curl -y

Debian and ubuntu systems:apt-get update -y && apt-get install curl -y

If you are following the server configuration I purchased above, which is Ubuntu, select the second line, copy and paste it into the ssh interface and enter:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

And after that, we can typeOne-click buildingscript to build it up:

Copy and paste the following script code, same for any system:

source <(curl -sL

See the figure for the specific process:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

If you are proficient in linux, you can edit and manage it in ssh panel directly after you build it. If you are a novice, I recommend you to use the visual panel, enter the domain name of your build in the browser, and you can access the web management panel.

By default, the Trojan admin panel in the web interface does not have a login password set.

Use your browser to enter your domain name in theFirst timeWhen you enter the admin panel, you will be prompted to set a login password. Enter a strong password at this point and enter it twice to make the new password effective.

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

After that, you can log in to Trojan Panel with the username admin and the password you just set to manage everything.

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Log in to the backend and set up each function now.

The main interface of Trojan Panel is shown in the following figure:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

The main screen can display the following common information:

  • Server's CPU/Memory/Swap/Hard Disk Occupancy Information
  • Trojan version
  • Number of Trojan users
  • Trojan runtime
  • Server Load
  • Upload and download information

In addition, under the inverted triangle menu at the top right of the main screen, you can:

  • View System Version
  • Modify website title
  • Change Login Password
  • Set English and Chinese display


It is recommended to finish the modification as soon as possible, because the default title contains the word Trojan, which is easily identified as a proxy server and can be modified to some irrelevant words at will.

OK. By this point yourTikTok NodeEven if the construction is completed.

The next step is to connect the nodes:

Computer side:

Downloadv2rayN-CoreUnzip and install

web admin panel login--User Management--You can add a new user or use one of the initial users--Share--Trojan link, copy link--v2rayN Program Home Page--Servers--Import bulk URLs from the clipboard--Nodes are added to the home page.--Select the newly added server, right click and set it as the active server

After that, click on the system tray in the bottom right corner of your computer.Right clickClick on the v2rayN icon, select System Proxy, select Auto-Configure System Proxy, and select Bypass Continental or Global for routing. v2rayN icon turns red and you can log in to to see if the site is connected.

3 Taskbar

Android side:

Downloadv2rayNGDownload the appropriate version, install it on your phone, and open

web admin panel login--User Management--You can add a new user or use one of the initial users--Share--Trojan links--v2rayNG Application Home Page--Upper right corner plus sign--Swipe--Nodes are added to the home page.--Check the added node--Click on the gray V-circle button to make it green--Google Chrome visit to see if it is successfully accessed

Apple side:

Recommended use of small rockets (Shadowrocket), but its download conditions are a bit troublesome, first you need to have a U.S. Apple ID, only the U.S. app store you can search for Shadowrocket, and the download requires $3, if you do not have a U.S. Apple ID, there is no payment channel.Then I recommend that you directly buy someone else has purchased the small rocket of the U.S. Apple ID login Apple Store direct download.

Here is a recommended URL:

Buy US Apple ID and Little Rocket

Here to remind, before the purchase to see how to use, the purchase of Apple ID only login store, do not log in the settings

After downloading, installing, and opening the little rocket

web admin panel login--User Management--You can add a new user or use one of the initial users--Share--Trojan link, QR code--ShadowrocketProgram Home--Swipe the top left corner--Scan the QR code of the sharing link--Select the newly added node--Open Unconnected button turns green--Google Chrome visit to see if it is successfully accessed

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial

Built node Apple phone speed measurement:

Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial



Finally, once again, a stern statement:

The initial purpose of this tutorial is only to allow you to enter the TIKTOK cross-border e-commerce for the country to earn foreign exchange used, cross-border process will have a lot of harmful information, please improve the ability to screen information and independent thinking ability.Do not view, post, or publish information that jeopardizes the country'ssuretyThe message, love your country, love your party and remember to remember to remember!!!!This tutorial is not original, purely to share without profit, the consequences of indiscriminate use of personal responsibility


updatedTikTok NodeThe build tutorial has been updated, and this build balances speed andstabiliseThe server is built with dual iSP US native IPs, with high quality IPs, and a linestabilise, for those interested, you can watch it after the jump:

👉 A key to build two protocols TikTok nodes, taking into account the stability, security, speed, white can also brainlessly build TiKTok exclusive exclusive nodes
2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Hello everyone, I'm 11 webmaster, see the station's TikTok node building article reading and likes are very high, it seems that many friends are very interested in this piece of content, before [...]


With the methods in this article it is very easy to build your ownTikTok Node, but such nodes are directly connected nodes that can be used for daily TikTok feeder operations, but the live streamingstabiliseSex is slightly worse, the wind control period nodes may also be walled unavailable, there are live demand andstabiliseSexual needs of friends can jump to the following article, this is an article will be nodes through the dedicated line transit, nodes through the dedicated line for transit, rate andstabiliseSex is dramatically improved and effectively prevented from being walled off.

👉TikTok node transit tutorial, dedicated transit to make your self-built TikTok node high-speed and stable

丨If not stated, all are original丨This website usesBY-NC-SAProtocol for licensing
Reprinted with original link.Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorial
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(72)A small partner is spitting
  1. IP check is red X at home and abroad respectively, updated N times
    chi2023-04-08 21:40 Reply
    • TK11
      This is to replace the IP after the VPS has not started, so domestic and foreign are X, normal vps even if the domestic is not foreign will certainly pass, generally speaking you click to replace the IP he needs to replace a server to you, and install the operating system on the server, set up the network, boot and start, this series of processes take time, replace the IP wait patiently for about 10 minutes, wait for the process You can refresh the web page in the server home page to see if the replacement IP and boot up is complete
      TK112023-04-08 21:54 Reply
  2. Hello, after logging into the main screen of Trojan Panel, it keeps reporting: dial tcp connect: connection refused, does this have any effect? I've changed a few computers and it's the same error!
    Walking and stopping2023-04-09 09:57 Reply
    • TK11
      Is the server used hostwinds? If the node is connected and smooth, there is no impact, if not reinstall the Ubuntu system and try again.
      TK112023-04-09 17:14 Reply
      • dial tcp connect: connection refused, this always appears, what should I do? I've reinstalled it, but it doesn't work? What's wrong?
        vincent2023-04-15 15:48 Reply
      • Now it is stuck here, there is no other way?
        vincent2023-04-15 15:50 Reply
  3. Mariadb is starting, please wait... It's stuck here.
    Phantom Bertie2023-04-09 14:35 Reply
    • TK11
      Try reinstalling UbuntuReinstall the operating system
      TK112023-04-09 17:19 Reply
  4. Webmaster, I would like to ask, if I buy 2 IP addresses on hostwinds, do I need to buy 2 domains, one domain name corresponding to one IP, and then I can give 2 accounts to use?
    salted fish2023-04-09 20:14 Reply
    • TK11
      I have not tried this, you can try, because often in the process of node construction domain names only play a camouflage role, but the domain name in this article can be used to log into the web management system, I am not sure if a domain name resolved to two or more IP addresses web management system can still be used, or may be able to use the IP address direct login, I have not tried, I generally follow a I have not tried, I generally follow a domain name for an IP for a VPS, so I can not give you an accurate answer
      TK112023-04-09 20:54 Reply
      • Moderators are available
        superstar2023-04-12 09:57 Reply
  5. Thanks to the webmaster's great guidance, because they are in this area is a pure white, busy for more than ten hours I just get good. Sharing their own results, I hope to help those who need it. 1, after logging into the main interface of the Trojan Panel has been reported: dial tcp connect: connection refused. is because of the beginning of the resolution of the domain name filled into the IP address, in accordance with the steps of the webmaster to come back to once on the line. 2, I also bought 2 IP addresses from hostwinds, but only used one domain name for resolution. When I enter the domain name on Finshell, the IP that automatically resolves to the first IP, but I need to use the second IP, so it is recommended to have one domain name and one IP. 3, the last step I've been stuck in the mariadb startup, please wait a moment, click on the hostwinds server to re-install the Ubuntu system will be able to do it.
    Walking and stopping2023-04-09 23:01 Reply
  6. The content is very detailed, I like it, I can't reply directly to a friend's question about one IP resolving to more than one domain name, I hope you can read this message, to solve this problem, you can buy a first-level domain name, it's not expensive, it's about 20 to 30 dollars, then host your domain name in cloudflare, and then your IP resolves to the second level, so that one first-level domain name can resolve to countless IPs, and it can be pinged very quickly after resolving, so that it can be pinged. After resolving, you'll be able to ping it in no time.
    Study hard2023-04-09 23:21 Reply
    • TK11
      Well, yes, the second level domain is also a way to have unlimited domains
      TK112023-04-10 12:40 Reply
  7. I would like to ask the blogger, hostwind is able to change the IP, then please replace the previous IP can still be used, how to build multiple nodes ah, is trodan panel how to add new users ah? I'd like to know how to add new users to the trodan panel! Totally white watching your tutorial step by step, the first node has been successful, but the rate is only about 200-300, but also want to do more than one number, want to get more than one node, is it necessary to buy a new server or can change the ip repeatedly get ah?
    ck2023-04-10 11:32 Reply
    • TK11
      The original IP is not available after the change, and it is impossible to retrieve it. You can add new users in both the web panel and the ssh panel, but adding new users is also using the same IP.
      TK112023-04-10 12:37 Reply
  8. Detecting several IPs, all of them are XX, is this also all walled?
    vincent2023-04-10 15:52 Reply
    • TK11
      Look at the comments I have answered, the vps is not turned on
      TK112023-04-10 17:14 Reply
  9. Webmaster, I would like to ask a question, after the one-stop process, my TROJAN panel on the left side of only the home page and user management two options, the upper right corner of the inverted triangle does not modify the site title of this option, only version view and switch between English and Chinese. I would like to ask a question for you!
    aku2023-04-10 18:20 Reply
    • TK11
      You did not log in with the admin account, right, account fill in admin, password is your initial entry set password, this is the root user administrator, with this account to log in you can manage
      TK112023-04-10 19:32 Reply
      • Thank you webmaster, perfect solution
        aku2023-04-10 22:28 Reply
  10. It is strongly recommended that the webmaster give a video version to the whites
    TK White2023-04-10 20:28 Reply
  11. Why I don't have "Fix ISP block", but only "Manage IPv4 Address" and "Change Main IP"? Address" and "Change Main IP", is it because too many people are changing IPs now and there is no such function? Or is there something wrong with my operation, "Change Main IP" for $3?
    Ivan2023-04-11 01:25 Reply
    • TK11
      When you register, you do not select the China region, or you use a proxy to cause your IP is not the IP of mainland China, Fix ISP block is only available to users in mainland China
      TK112023-04-11 13:01 Reply
  12. namesilo DNS resolution cmd return ping domain name, the reply is not the domain name I purchased from hostwinds already waited 20 minutes before the domain name has been set up mail forwarding may I ask where is the problem?
    TK White2023-04-11 11:33 Reply
    • TK11
      These two can exist at the same time, node resolution to see A record type of resolution (or cname) there is no conflict, mailbox, then record MX type is good. Or save a few dollars to buy another domain name to do node resolution!
      TK112023-04-11 12:59 Reply
  13. Please ask the webmaster to build a completed IP can do 4 accounts? Will it limit the flow and so on, if you want to do 4 accounts how to solve
    Thanks to the webmaster2023-04-11 12:33 Reply
    • TK11
      Up to three, limited flow depends on the environment
      TK112023-04-11 13:02 Reply
  14. Hello webmaster, I followed your steps, but shh copy and paste the code of ubuntu system shows "-bash:apt-get:command not found" :!: I'm begging you to give me some pointers
    Anmerkang wants to2023-04-11 14:48 Reply
    • TK11
      Look at the code to be copied, is ubuntu to copy the ubuntu code. Use hosdwind server to follow the tutorials to deploy down on the line, generally speaking are perfectly deployed, if you do enter the right words or display bash: apt-get: command not found, that is a problem with the system environment, you can not use apt-get, to use the yum command to update or download, copy the fault directly prompted a Baidu search on the update command code. If you feel the trouble, you can install other systems to try, CentOS and Debian can be!
      TK112023-04-11 16:13 Reply
      • Webmaster, after using the yum command, it shows an error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream' : Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist What is the reason for this?
        kk2023-04-11 17:31 Reply
        • First of all, you have to understand what this command does, YUM command is actually similar to the Xunlei download and installation process, the address is the download address This problem may actually be a network problem, you can try a few more times
          Funstin2023-04-24 15:35 Reply
  15. Thanks to the webmaster for sharing, the white man operated by this method down the network speed is really fast. The installation also encountered dial tcp connect: connection refuse problem, at the beginning of the Ubuntu image when there is no step to install MySQL, then reinstalled the Debian image installation steps to operate down OK! Thank you webmaster, long-term attention!
    Cool Breeze2023-04-11 16:25 Reply
  16. I also want to ask a question, for example, if I do Southeast Asia, like doing Thailand TK, do I have to buy a server in Thailand and use Thailand IP, hostwinds is a US server room, is there a recommendation for Thailand? Or can I leave this alone? Thanks
    Ivan2023-04-11 21:52 Reply
    • TK11
      The IP of Thailand is not very recommended because I only do Europe and the United States, so you can look for it online.
      TK112023-04-11 22:41 Reply
  17. Can this method of building be used for live streaming?
    thomson2023-04-12 09:26 Reply
  18. This is awesome , the last one adapted to Android card point, this time this installation is fast, the speed can also be, much more convenient. It's much more convenient! But I have a small question is to use SSl again when logging into the host original call code is na, now this with what code?
    superstar2023-04-12 09:52 Reply
    • TK11
      This call code is Trojan
      TK112023-04-12 10:14 Reply
      • Good
        superstar2023-04-12 11:09 Reply
  19. More than one IP brothers can use a domain name, that is, you have to set a second-level domain name and then resolve an A record can be, the format is the first space XX is your name the second space to fill in your IP, which can be a domain name multiple IP and does not conflict with your main domain name.
    superstar2023-04-12 09:56 Reply
  20. God, can you dedicate an article to live network construction?
    thomson2023-04-12 16:56 Reply
  21. This one adds a BBR acceleration and takes off straight away!
    bbwhite2023-04-13 15:40 Reply
  22. The first set up successfully, can also use, can open the phone to watch videos on youtube, now suddenly can not? Why? I destroyed the rebuild and started over step by step, but it still doesn't work!
    Ivan2023-04-13 15:43 Reply
  23. I have followed the method of the gods to build a good, with network testing tools to test, now the downlink rate can be, but the uplink rate still does not reach the gods picture of 20M, I only 1M, I do not know what the reason for this situation, please gods guidance on how to improve the uplink rate, thank you!
    thomson2023-04-14 15:53 Reply
  24. Big brother can change in another server, I have been stuck in the domestic and foreign are not accessible, the
    Haha2023-04-17 17:54 Reply
    • TK11
      Yes, you can choose another server to build according to the method in the article, but some servers may not be able to build because of the performance limitations, as far as I measured is down vultr is not built, you can try other server providers
      TK112023-04-21 18:16 Reply
  25. Webmaster, I would like to know that I am having 0 traffic problem with my server room IP, if I change to residential ip will it definitely solve the 0 traffic problem?
    Liu Guan Yi2023-04-20 11:51 Reply
    • Or is it possible to greatly reduce the problem of 0 traffic, or to eliminate the worry that 0 traffic is caused by impure IP network, which means that 0 traffic will not occur again because of impure IP network problems, but for other reasons
      Liu Guan Yi2023-04-20 11:56 Reply
      • TK11
        Well, the residential IP probability will not be zero play, the site owner has a few residential IP operation account play volume can be, at least did not meet the problem of zero play. The probability of zero play is not the problem of IP, it may be the environment or other aspects of the problem.
        TK112023-04-21 18:11 Reply
        • I would like to ask the webmaster of the residential ip selection of those manufacturers to choose the criteria is what
          Liu Guan Yi2023-04-30 13:33 Reply
  26. It keeps saying mariadb is starting, please wait... What is the reason for this?
    vincent2023-04-20 23:45 Reply
    • TK11
      Try a different operating system or reinstall the operating system
      TK112023-04-21 18:15 Reply
  27. There is an error in the domain name, please re-enter what does it mean
    khkfha'2023-04-27 13:31 Reply
    • TK11
      Domain name resolution did not work
      TK112023-04-27 16:43 Reply
  28. I would like to ask the webmaster this node rate of only 300ms how to improve network speed
    YG2023-04-27 16:45 Reply
    • TK11
      Try installing BBR acceleration, or change to a higher speed server or line
      TK112023-04-27 16:50 Reply
      • Good Thanks 🙏
        YG2023-04-27 20:50 Reply
  29. net/http:tls handshake timeout Android V2RAY speed measurement prompted this error, the moderators know how to solve it, a kind of use quite good, today this problem, reinstall the system redeployment does not work!
    superstar2023-04-27 16:53 Reply
    • TK11
      Try a new IP server
      TK112023-04-27 17:24 Reply
      • My IP is not walled, measured
        superstar2023-04-27 17:36 Reply
  30. All questions got done, then enter the URL and then can't log in? It says I can't access this site? What does this mean?
    vincent2023-04-29 09:23 Reply
  31. The speed is too slow, watch a video card several times
    wei2023-04-29 12:02 Reply
  32. Hello Webmaster, after entering the SSH interface, I was prompted to enter my password, and after entering it several times, I was finally prompted that the authentication failed.
    kevin2023-05-01 20:59 Reply
    • TK11
      Look carefully at the password, you can definitely enter the right
      TK112023-05-03 19:53 Reply
  33. Why is the ip country of the connecting cell phone checking different from the ip country of the server after building it?
    tina2024-04-13 22:47 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      It is recommended to check whether the proxy switch is normally open, after the completion of the build normal open IP must be the same
      TikTok, 112024-04-14 20:55 Reply
  34. All the installation process is fine, why logging into the website shows 404 Not Found?
    blazing2024-04-22 20:29 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Maybe the port is not open, use theport detection toolDetect whether you set the panel port open, not open iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport port -j ACCEPT, with this command to release your set of ports to try, if not reinstall the Durban system to try!
      TikTok, 112024-04-23 10:25 Reply
  35. Hello, webmaster, may I ask, why I scan the QR code, it prompts invalid configuration URL, please ask how to solve it?
    hjs2024-05-09 00:01 Reply