May all of you realize your vision in TK. Because the webmaster is usually very busy, backstage contact submissions can not all reply, very sorry!

Tags: second cut

What is TikTok account weighting? How to increase TikTok account weight?

What is account weight Everyone knows that TikTok accounts have the hidden attribute of weight. Account weight is an intrinsic value within the platform that affects the exposure of a user's work. Users with high weights are more likely to get more initial volume. If the user feedback on their work is also good, it is easy to enter a larger traffic pool, forming a small hit, or even a big hotspot. If the account weight is low, then the initial traffic received by the posted video work will be lower, and the video will be harder to be seen and will not enter the next big stream ......

10-06 View Now

Share a TikTok automatic de-duplication toolkit to free your hands

This is the previous shopping Taobao when casually buy, the webmaster looked at it, this is actually the domestic jittery voice to carry video to other domestic platforms used by the players, but in fact, one of them with our carry to TikTok de-emphasis way is not much different. The principle is to try to make the system think that our video is original. So carry to TikTok can also be used, so share it with you, but it is best not to believe that these automated de-emphasis tools, automated de-emphasis tools are used in the matrix operation or batch number to improve efficiency, it de-emphasizes the way ......

03-20 View Now

TikTok newbies must see! How should the handling be de-weighted? Teach you professional de-weighting techniques!

Preface many TK white players into TikTok first contact is inevitably porting profit earning funds, now the Chinese Internet about TikTok ads are some what "I ported the video to the international version of the jitterbug, monthly income of more than 10,000" "ported the video to TikTok, half a year to earn a suite" and so on with great temptation and attraction title, I think many users come to my site is to enter the blue ocean idea of overnight wealth. Half a year to earn a suite" and so on with great temptation and attraction of the title, I want to come to my site many users are also holding into the blue ocean, the idea of getting rich overnight, but here 11 webmasters first splash you a pot of cold water, I'm sorry to carry the video to earn funds ......

02-03 View Now