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2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

Tik Tok TK11 8 months ago (01-06) 13761次浏览 Included 22 comments Scan the QR code
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This article is continuously updated to recommend more good static residential IP service providers

Only with a stable and pure IP can your TikTok journey be a smooth one. Today, we introduce you to several providers of native residential IP services.

There is nothing better than using a native home IP to operate the IP used by tiktok, and in the previous articleWhat is IP and what you need to know about IP to operate TikTok international version of JitterbugIn the article, I also explain the difference between residential IPs and data center IPs, so if you are interested, you can jump and read it. After reading it, you will better understand the benefits and implications of using native family residential IPs for running TikTok. Of course, you can also read on with the article, which will be mentioned slightly during the process. For TikTok, IP is very important, in terms of general APP, it is not easy to be identified to your IP location if it is not absolutely targeted to a certain area. But unfortunately, we want to operate the U.S. ShakeTok TikTok, is a strict detection mechanism for IPs.

What is native IP and residential IP.

Native IP means that the server room is consistent with the IP; residential IP is the dynamic IP address provided by the ISP (similar to our broadband); the vast majority of people use vpn is the server IP, which is the worst.

Native IP and residential IP: an easy-to-understand explanation

In understanding the world of networking and the Internet, you may come across the terms "Native IP" and "Residential IP". Here, we will explain these two types of IP addresses in an easy-to-understand manner.

  1. Native IP (Dedicated IP): Native IP, also known as Exclusive IP or Dedicated IP, refers to an IP address on the Internet that is specifically assigned to a single user or organization. Having a native IP means that this IP address is only used by a specific user and is not shared with others. This type of IP address is commonly used for hosting websites, providing mail services, or other applications that require a fixed IP address because it provides a more stable network connection and a lower risk of blacklisting.
  2. Residential IP (Residential IP): A residential IP address is an IP address assigned to a home broadband subscriber. Such IP addresses are directly associated with a geographic location and are usually assigned by a local Internet Service Provider (ISP) to an average household or individual. The advantage of using residential IPs to access the Internet is that they appear to be more like ordinary consumer behavior, which is especially useful for bypassing geo-restrictions or CAPTCHA checks on certain websites.

To summarize, native IP provides users with a separate network address that is not shared with others, and is suitable for services that require stable connections and security. Residential IP, on the other hand, is associated with a specific home broadband, which looks more natural and is suitable for general Internet use, especially in scenarios that require simulation of general user behavior.

Native IP vs. Residential IP

Why Native IP and Residential IP

Server Room IP

Server room IP (DC IP) is generally a variety of U.S. telecommunications operators (similar to China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom) or web server host manufacturers (similar to Tencent Cloud, Aliyun and other virtual machine host providers) mass construction and for social rent for sale, for profit to provide large and medium-sized enterprises or individual customers, so these IP addresses will be a lot of people for public use. The actual process the cheaper the public airport IP, or free proxy IP, are abused by people. Used for wool pulling / blackmail / spam servers / registration wallet phishing, if the above-mentioned situation, this kind of address regardless of the registration of any website, are not very popular, after all, for normal business, these are not normal customers, there are risks. Likewise, such public IPs are best not used for our Tiktok operations

U.S. home IP (Residential IP) and the opposite of DC IP. Similar to how Chinese people must use their ID cards to register to open broadband, Americans not only need SSN to open broadband for Internet access, but also verify the credit score of the registrant (credit score is a little more perfect compared to Chinese credit records). Low credit scores may refuse to open, charge a high deposit or raise prices and other special treatment.

Housing IP

U.S. residential IP (Residential IP) because the opening of the beginning of the telecommunications operators have been reviewed, regardless of shopping to enjoy the benefits, registration of Internet services are all the way to the green light, the default is the corresponding U.S. real individuals.

Foreign providers of Internet sales and services, regardless of the sales territory and protection, tax policy, sales responsibility, priority service to U.S. domestic customers are the best choice.

US residential IPs are not allowed to set up proxy servers under the rules of US telecom carriers and are used by Internet users from other countries. residetial IPs with bad records are permanently recorded by US telecom companies.

Because there are so many restrictions and benefits to residential IPs, it is also more beneficial for us to run Tiktok

Because there are restrictions and conditions, so there are very few native IP residential IP service providers, and even if there are, the price is also expensive compared to normal IP, the providers introduced below are carefully sorted and screened, with sufficient credibility and assurance.

So the best IPs to operate Tiktok are the following.

  • U.S. broadband for U.S. citizens with no adverse credit history, and U.S. residential IP for Internet access
  • And these residential IPs have not been blacklisted
  • Stable use

How to detect if IP is residential and native IP

A few commonly used IP detection sites:

Having said that, here are a few commonly used websites to check IP quality detecting environmental artifacts You can check whether the IP is marked as a proxy, there is no blacklist, used to query the DNS, DNS is to help you resolve the real IP address of the server mapped to this domain name, because the IP can still be selected, but the DNS resolution address is difficult to change by general means. Server real IP and proxy IP the same is the native IP.

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

Detecting IP type websites: IPdata

You can check the IP type of the website.

type: "isp" is home ip, hosting is server room ip

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

For example, this IP is the server room IP

ip2location: the best IP detection system ever!

The meaning of the key figures is explained below

Usage Type Most important: ISP/MOB means WIFI real IP or cell phone real IP

DCH means the IP is a Data Center Hosting (room hosting)

Proxy Type(Proxy or VPN type) generally if you use a proxy can be detected, except for advanced hackers or high stash proxy

ASN (network provider autonomous system number.There is only one operator or agent operator(The ASN holder can be any network organization, including VPN providers, Proxy providers, etc., and is used to be monitored and managed by the NSA, as well as the exact zip code location, weather, time zone, network packet delivery method, and covers the full code, so there is no way to hide the action on the network.)

Speedtest Look at the network latency to know whether it is roaming or VPN, in the local connection operator latency are very low (ping value can be as low as 3-20ms, if the ping value of 180 or more is exposed not in the IP location of the local)

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

Where can I buy real residential IP and native IP?

The following is the main event, the introduction of several real and reliable native residential IP proxy service providers, taking into account this article is to face the TikTok white, beginner friends of the budget is generally not too high, so this article is divided according to the price and comprehensive experience of two factors

Here the webmaster warmly reminds, because the IP is virtual and irrevocable class. Therefore, many IP sites do not provide a refund policy beyond the issue of IP can not be connected to the use of refund, because it can not be ruled out that some people will have to buy IP after illegal fraudulent activities that lead to the IP was blacklisted, and then refunded the possibility of IP sites therefore have a strict refund policy, almost impossible to refund, if you buy IP does not meet your requirements but can not be refunded, you can contact the work order for a replacement! . Therefore, you should choose a reliable IP site before buying IP, and look at the IP site's refund policy, so as to avoid losses, the webmaster will also post the corresponding refund policy when recommending IP sites!

Great static residential IP site with good overall experience


Click to go directly to IPROYAL

iproya agentsIs the emerging IP agent, there are nearly 20 countries more than 2 million IP can be used, basically can cover all the Internet business, the same, it provides a static residential agent is also what we need, iproya agent's advantage is that you can buy a separate IP (the initial 5 to start, to authenticate before you can buy one, authentication is very easy), and the price of the white is still in the range of affordable! The price is still affordable for white people, support paypal, virtual coins, credit card payments. More friendly to domestic users.2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

IPROYALRefund policy

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

About how to register and useiproyal👉TheTikTok2022 latest residential IP service provider iproyal registration use tutorial

Second.PIA S5 Proxy

Click to go directly to the PIA S5 proxy

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

PIA S5 PrOxyclaiming to have 500,000 residential IP proxies.PIA S5 PrOxyAdvantages of.

  • 1.100% of pure residential IPs, a huge IP pool, PIA has nearly 50 million IPs in 180 countries.
  • 2. PiaS5 is fully compatible with the functions of the 911S5 and there is no difficulty in using it.
  • 3. Good compatibility with our commonly used proxy clients, browsers, etc. Simple setup.
  • 4. the ability to easily use country, state, city, zip code or isp location to find IPs, which is extremely convenient.
  • 5. The use of API can free your hands, using scripts batch management without pressure!
  • Support paypal purchase

Personal use experience: node speed is very good and currently looks relatively clean.

PIA S5 ProxyRefund policy

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

The third one.711 Proxy

711 ProxyIt is an emerging proxy provider that also has static residential IPs available for purchase, pure high-speed static residential proxies derived from real residential hardware network equipment. Meet customer needs with long-term stable business operations. Provides static residential IPs in more than 50 countries and regions.

Click to go directly to 711 Proxy

These are the residential IP service providers required for Tiktok operation as described today. You are free to choose according to your own configuration

The above is a big old station, the number of users is larger and more widely known, P pool breadth, depth, purity, after-sales and other aspects of the site are trustworthy, you can no brainer to choose.

Next, the webmaster recommended some niche, less well-known sites, recommend these sites is the purpose of the recommendation is purely from the price point of view, the webmaster takes into account that there are many friends who do TikTok budget is not high and do more than the number of friends of the matrix, of course, does not necessarily have to do TikTok, there are many other purposes can be used on these cheap residential IP, of course, need to be reminded of that the price of the Lower price means sacrificing some speed and purity and related after-sales quality.

Lower priced niche static residential IP service providers

7. Proxy-cheap

  • Type of proxy offer: Rotary House IP
  • Proxy Network Pool: TheThe pool has6+ million IPs
  • Authentication method: User + Pass
  • Location Positioning: Countries (127 supported)
  • Agency Agreement: HTTP(S) + Socks5
  • Price.Residential IP single 3.5, does not support paypal

Proxy-cheapOffering some of the cheapest residential proxies on the market and with over 6 million residential IPs worldwide, supporting about 127 countries, Proxy-cheap has session proxies that will maintain the same IP (and session) for a period of time until changed. If you are looking for high rotation proxies that can change IPs after each request, you can also get them fromProxy-cheapGet them in.

Proxy-cheapIt claims to offer the best value for money. And, if you check its prices, you will agree with this to some extent, as it is cheap for proxies and there is no minimum monthly spending commitment. You can buy bandwidth as low as 1 GB and the price per GB can drop to $3 when you buy more bandwidth.

The disadvantage is that it does not provide Alipay payment. Only support credit cards, but this is a more old-fashioned U.S. local service providers, webmasters have tested the rate, it is quite good, but the IP purity is almost.


Today and then introduce to you two cheap cost-effective static IP site, the two webmaster has not had time to test their IP quality and speed, but the price is very friendly, very suitable for new friends to test the taste, you can ask the customer service before buying quality and speed, but honestly compared to their prices, the sacrifice of a little speed or quality is also acceptable.


2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

This is an agent that provides a variety of node network, look at the website interface package classification is extremely detailed, there are dynamic, static residential IP and 4G mobile IP, etc., and we need to focus on its static residential IP, as shown above, a static residential IP (ISP proxy) priced at $3 a month, you can buy a separate, can be said that the cost is very high

The most special thing is that it also offersWeekly Payment OptionsYes, it provides a very rich choice of usage time, there are a week, two weeks, a month, two months, etc., different time has different prices, the price of a week package is 1.5USD, although the cost performance is not high compared to a month, but very suitable for those who just want to test first, after the test meet the needs of the official purchase, can reduce the cost of expenditure.

And, this site offers a choice of uses, which may be optimized for different uses, this webmaster has not yet tested it, but its price-performance ratio is still OK!

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

Click here to go directly to proxy-seller's official website


2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

This is a Russian s5 private agency, operators of a variety of private agents, but this one is a private agent, but its agent is not a residential IP, it is likely to be more encrypted hidden better proxy IP, it can also choose to use the purpose and use the platform, which also has a TikTok platform, interested friends can go to see, a TikTok private S5 agent a month 1.57 USD, this price can be really cheap, we have free money or other uses can be used to play

Click to go directly to the official website

Updated 2023.7.20

Today to update you a webmaster recently found ISP residential IP site, this site is mainly updated to tiktok matrix friends, because this site is cheap volume, an average of two dollars for a residential IP, which can be said to be very cost-effective price.
The name of the website iswebshareThe lowest package is $6 for 20 residential IPs, but the lowest packages are blacklisted. The lowest package is $6 for 20 residential IPs, but the residential IPs in the lowest package are blacklisted, so it is recommended to use a private or dedicated proxy.

Click to go directly to the webshare website

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

6 dollars 20 residential IP, time limit for a month, although there is a 250GB traffic limit, but enough to use, of course, you can also choose a better package and more traffic, the webmaster has also recently played the matrix, is also the use of this IP, basically raising the number of 3 days to start posting videos on the flow, or very good. The most important thing is that this price is not too much to ask, the cost of the matrix can be reduced a little bit, the cost of a number of conventional conditions is nothing, but the matrix, then two hundred and three hundred or even thousands of the cost of the number can not be a small amount. If you need friends can try this site

How to connect using a purchased TikTok static residential IP?

Friends in the purchase of TikTok static residential IP, the connection may encounter no network connection, low speed situation, this situation is because the IP service provider to provide static residential IP are Socks5 IP, socks5 IP is very good and very common, but it is not recommended that we connect directly, because this proxy protocol is extremely easy to be intercepted by the firewall (GFW), which is what we call P is "walled" off. That is, we said that the P was "walled" off, next, the webmaster briefly introduced the following

Socks5 IP is essentially a web proxy address that works on the basis of the Socks5 web protocol. socks5 proxy helps you to bypass the direct path to the internet and instead forward your web requests through an intermediate "bridge" (i.e. a proxy server), which helps to hide your true IP address or access websites that you would otherwise not be able to access directly. This can help hide your real IP address or access websites that are otherwise inaccessible, which is why we use it to access TikTok.

However, in some countries, such as China, such proxies can be easily recognized and blocked by the country's network monitoring system (commonly known as the "Great Firewall" or GFW). There are several reasons for this:

  1. data characteristicThe data transferred by Socks5 has some unique characteristics, such as how it encrypts the data. These characteristics can be recognized by the monitoring system through a technique called "deep packet inspection".
  2. Port Monitoring: The Socks5 proxy usually uses certain specific ports. The monitoring system pays special attention to these ports and may intervene if it detects unusual or frequent data flow.
  3. behavioral analysis: If a user frequently exchanges a large amount of data with a server abroad, this behavioral pattern may also be captured by the monitoring system, which determines that the user may be using a proxy.

Based on these characteristics, socks5 IP is easy to be "walled" resulting in failure to connect, so how should we avoid being walled or normal use of Socks5 IP? It's very simple to use chained proxies, what is chained proxies and how to do Tiktok static IP chained proxies?

What is a chained agent?

Chained proxies are a method of network connectivity in which your network requests are not forwarded through a single proxy server, but rather thepassMultiple proxy servers forwarding, can be imagined as you want to send a secret letter, but in order to ensure the security, you choose to let a few different friends in turn to pass this letter, each person does not know the previous and the next passer is who, so you can greatly increase the confidentiality and security of the letter.

Back to the socks5 IP in this article, socks5 IP itself is already a proxy server, but this proxy server is easy to be walled, we can add a proxy server that is not easy to be walled before it, our network request is first sent to the server that is not easy to be walled (at this time, the data has already been through the wall), and then the server that is not easy to be walled will forward the network request to the socks5 IP proxy server, the socks5 IP proxy server to access the target site, and then return the content of the original way, so as to achieve the smooth use of socks5 IP process!

So what should we do? First of all, you should have a proxy node that can be used, this node is the airport or you build your own or not, in short, this node can be successfully accessed the extranet, the following use of Apple's little rocket to demonstrate how to configure the chain proxy:

How do I build a chained agent?

Right now we have two nodes, a static residential IP Socks5 proxy purchased but walled off and unable to connect, and an airport node that works fine:

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

Click on the walled socks5 static residential IP to the right of thesmall exclamation mark !, on the secondary page selectAgent throughAfterSelect a working US node.

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

After that, click on theSave it. Go back to the Little Rocket home page.If you do a speed test on a normal network, you can see that the original timeout of the socks5 node has changed toMS delay rate in greensaid that can be used normally, here to remind, may be some IP ban ping, chain proxy still shows timeout, may also be because the chain proxy is a UDP proxy, and the small rocket itself test is a TCP ping lead to timeout, you can try to access google try, if you can access that there is no problem!

2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations

Through a few simple steps you can realize the chain proxy, under the chain proxy, we access the walled sock5 static residential IP through the normal use of the node, because the final access to the target website IP is the last socks5 IP, the test IP on the Internet will also be shown is a static residential socks5 IP, so you do not have to worry about the chain proxy after the visit of the IP is still not a static residential IP, socks5 IP can be used normally, the rate can also meet the daily use.

There may be friends will have doubts, I directly buy with dual ISP residential IP VPS for building nodes on the line, such asLisa's HostWhy use a static residential socks5 IP when it's fast and IP friendly?

Yes, of course, you can directly buy VPS with ISP residential IP to build nodes, but at present such ISP servers are only a few VPS service providers on sale, and only a few countries, as we all know, TikTok is still expanding globally, and there are many other countries for us TikTok gold diggers is still a blue ocean, then these countries can not find VPS with ISP IP. ISP IP VPS, this time, static residential socks5 IP can play its role, the webmaster introduced a few IP station their static residential IP pool contains most of the countries in the world, and is still increasing, therefore, socks5 static residential IP is a very cost-effective means of TikTok operation!



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Reprinted with original link.2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations
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  1. Hello
    I am2023-02-17 22:43 Reply
    • Hello
      TK112023-02-18 14:32 Reply
      • The anchor with which ah
        tiktok122023-04-07 18:43 Reply
        • TK11
          The anchor is not suitable for residential nodes, slow speed, buy server self-built
          TK112023-04-07 19:25 Reply
  2. Hello, I've looked at these sites one by one. iproyal and proxy-seller didn't find the country I needed; proxy-cheap has static residential IPs and residential IPs, what's the difference between these two? Is the non-static one also not suitable for TIKTOK ah. Do you have any recommendations for buying static residential IPs in Southeast Asian countries?
    Janus2023-03-30 13:26 Reply
    • Select the node of static residential (isp), Southeast Asia niche because my business in the United States and Britain temporarily no suitable recommendation
      TK112023-03-30 20:22 Reply
  3. What vps does the anchor use
    tiktok122023-04-08 14:13 Reply
  4. Hello, is there a node with a static IP for the IEPL line recommended for the purpose of operating tiktok, and is the IEPL line not so easily blocked? Or is there such a node, not necessarily IEPL, recommended :mrgreen:
    TT2023-04-08 23:40 Reply
  5. Hello webmaster, I'm looking for a native ip that is suitable for tik to raise a number, and is faster, with a Chinese panel, and has a certain cost-effective price. webshare doesn't know why there's no internet speed when connecting to it, and Proxy302 - which doesn't support direct domestic connections - has a high latency. Any recommendations?
    231413242024-04-21 21:19 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Raise the number of demand, you can buy a residential socks5 IP, plus IEPL dedicated transit, such nodes not only to ensure that the landing node for the residential IP, dedicated transit and to ensure speed and stability and not wall, the price is not expensive is very suitable for raising the number of forty per month, more than fifty, but is not suitable for the live broadcast, because the bandwidth of the socks5 residential IP is not high, this method of the webmaster in theTikTok node transit tutorial: the use of dedicated transit to improve the speed and stability of self-built TikTok nodesHere's a mention to look back at
      TikTok, 112024-04-22 10:40 Reply
      • Hello webmaster, is it possible to create a good environment to log into the tk web operation with a fingerprint browser?
        damin2024-05-19 13:15 Reply
        • TikTok, 11
          Not quite feasible, the early days are okay, but at present, because the web terminal environment is more open and complex, based on this reason, the web terminal often wind control, the current TK web terminal upload video broken millions of broadcasts are few and far between, the main body of the TK users are still in the cell phone terminal, push the flow of the cell phone terminal, the web terminal is only auxiliary. Fingerprint browser fingerprints do again real is still not as good as the real cell phone, conditions or do cell phone, really want to do web-side, fingerprint browser you have to find a fingerprints clean real, leakage measures to do a good job of business, and IP to clean a little bit of the line. But you also have to be prepared for the playback to be stuck at 200,000 broadcasts.
          TikTok, 112024-05-19 20:53 Reply
  6. Hello webmaster, I am a server noob. There is a question I would like to sincerely ask you, I hope you don't hesitate to give me advice. I buy a lisa hosting, buy a server to build a node, and then buy multiple static residential ip, and then use different cell phones to log in to different tk accounts to use the same server address and then use the chain proxy method to use different static residential ip, this way to tk account operation is safe, there will be account blocking risk. Thank you!
    Nime2024-06-02 22:48 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Yes, the chain agent is a little slower, but the daily operation is no problem
      TikTok, 112024-06-10 19:43 Reply
  7. Hello webmaster, is there something called mobile proxy ip suitable for operating tk? Residential ip may drop and change ip at any time even if set sticky, right?
    tiki2024-07-06 23:03 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Suitable, but this IP operation TK cost-effective, mobile proxy IP prices are often compared to residential IP and hosting IP is too high, TK starting number stage may also want to change the number to change the IP and have to re-buy, TikTok is going to detect the IP, but it's not so mysterious, buy a clean native static residential on it!
      TikTok, 112024-07-07 14:25 Reply
      • Thank you webmaster. Is the mobile agent better than the static residential registration operation in terms of effectiveness alone? I'm considering that its IP will change at any time, does this have any effect?
        tiki2024-07-08 03:16 Reply
  8. VPS with dual ISP residential IPs What are some websites?
    promote (to official position in former times)2024-07-23 16:35 Reply
  9. Webmaster, I bought a static ISP residential IP from ip2world yesterday, and it was blacklisted as a high-risk IP. After the website test you provided, it's not a reliable company, so let's avoid it.
    qq22024-08-07 17:54 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Well, has been deleted recommended, before the webmaster is also bought a few IP for testing before recommending, when all can be, but now it may be a bit of pollution of the IP pool, you can try to find customer service to change the IP
      TikTok, 112024-08-08 20:26 Reply