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Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

Tik Tok TK11 2 years ago (2023-02-01) 1892 views Included 0 Comments Scan the QR code
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In layman's terms, a standalone website is a mall-style website where you can sell your own products. You can upload products to sell, and then customers enter the independent site can select products to buy directly, through PayPal, three-party credit cards and other collection tools to achieve the process of buying and selling transactions. Currently through the third-party SaaS model software can quickly build their own mall website (example: Shopyy), common mode: B2C retail station, B2 small wholesale station, B2B enterprise website inquiry station, etc..
Independent station itself does not have traffic, to improve the conversion rate, you can cleverly use off-site traffic diversion tips, TikTok is a huge pool of traffic at the moment. Make good use of this tool for traffic generation, refer to the following ways.

1、Homepage traffic

Sellers register Tiktok account, account mainly has 3 kinds: personal number, enterprise number and professional number, in the Tiktok home page hanging independent site links, a brief introduction to the independent site, better traffic. If users and fans are interested, they can directly click on the link to jump to the independent site, through the independent site to buy products. You can do matrix operation by registering multiple Tiktok accounts in bulk for better results.
Professional and personal numbers need 1000 and more fans to hang direct links. {Rapidly increase the number of fans: regular video (batch shot, high frequency shot) + hot video (follow the current hot topics shot) + in-depth video (do pop video)}

2、Reviews to attract traffic

Search for your own similar products or related popular videos in Tiktok, go to the video comment section to post comments, easier for Tiktok users to see, for interested users, will go to click on the Tiktok homepage, through the link to enter the independent site to buy products. Try to make the comments in the front position, more easily for others to see.

3、Live streaming

Many sellers today are moving in the direction of Tiktok live streaming, introducing products while doing live streaming, interacting with users, reminding them to click on links, bringing traffic to independent sites for purchase and increasing conversion.

4、Video traffic

Make more creative product videos, cooperate with bloggers or celebrities to make review videos and experience videos to attract fans and divert traffic to the independent website for conversion. Cooperate with weblebrities around the world and give them a certain amount of commission and cash rewards to attract more TikTok users to the independent website, which also enhances brand awareness.

5、Advertising to attract traffic

The most direct, fast and efficient way to attract traffic today is to open a Tiktok ad account to invest in ads to attract traffic, including open screen ads, infomercials and super first, and you can also participate in the challenge.
(Tiktok advertising account is divided into: Tiktok domestic account + Tiktok foreign account) Suggestions: If you do Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other non-European and American regions, choose TikTok domestic account. If it is station type & store type sellers, do not meet the domestic household white list & newbie village household application conditions, want to quickly on the volume, then firmly choose the overseas household.

How to do

To maximize the advantages of independent sites, they need traffic, and TikTok covers more than 150 countries and regions around the world, with 3.5 billion users worldwide and about 1 billion daily activities, which is a huge traffic portal. When the independent website is combined with TikTok, there will definitely be a 1+1>2 effect.

So how can you use TikTok to drive traffic to your own independent site?

Specifically, there are several independent site jumping deal paths.

1. Using advertising to attract traffic → guide button → directly jump to the independent site

2. Watch the video → click on the yellow shopping bag → jump to the independent site

3. Watch the video → copy the link in the comment section → jump to the independent site

4. Watch the video → click on the home page link → jump to the independent site

The first way mainly includes open screen ads and infomercials, the advantages are large exposure, jumping to independent sites convenient and rapid, but the disadvantage is also obvious is that the cost is relatively high, for small and medium cross-border sellers are not friendly.

The second way and the third way are daily ways to drive traffic to independent sites when posting videos, which requires manually adding links each time you keep in mind when posting.

The fourth way is to add a link to the brand's independent website directly in TikTok's personal homepage, and when users visit the personal homepage, they can jump to the independent website directly by clicking the link.

How do I add an independent site link to my TikTok homepage?

Much like Instagram, TikTok allows users to add jump links directly to their profiles, which helps followers learn more about the account's products and brand. The 3 arrows shown below point to the places where the URL links are displayed on the TikTok homepage

Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

To add a URL link to your TikTok profile, here's how to do it

Step 1: Open TikTok

Step 2: Click on the bottom right corner and go to the profile page

Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

Step 3: Add a website

Click on "Edit profile", then click on "Website", and then you can insert the URL.

Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

Now you have successfully added a link to an independent site!

Note: Only individual accounts and corporate accounts with more than 1,000 followers that meet certain requirements can edit the "Website" field to add a URL link.

Therefore, to successfully add independent site links, some sellers will also need to change their TikTok account to a corporate account first.

Next, 11 webmasters will introduce how to change your personal account into a corporate account

2.TikTok personal account to corporate account steps

Step 1: Click on the bottom right corner of the profile

Step 2: Click on the three rows or three dots in the upper right corner

Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!


Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

Step 3: Click on Settings and Privacy

Step 4: Click Manage Account.

Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!


Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!




























Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!

Step 5: Click to switch to Enterprise account.

Step 6: Select your business category and save

TikTok has become a great channel for independent stations to attract traffic and seize this wave of bonus period.


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Reprinted with original link.Tiktok+Independent website, get traffic faster and earn dollars!
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