May all of you realize your vision in TK. Because the webmaster is usually very busy, backstage contact submissions can not all reply, very sorry!

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Tik Tok TikTok, 11 8 months ago (01-09) 18072次浏览 Included 77 comments Scan the QR code

Hi everyone, I'm the 11th webmaster and I saw the station'sTikTok NodeBuild articles read and likes are very high, it seems that many friends are very interested in this piece of content, the previous three updates on theTikTok Nodebuild articles, there are many friends who have successfully built their ownTikTok NodeBut there are a lot of friends because of a variety of reasons did not succeed, the webmaster to build tutorials have been committed to a simple foolproof, today's update of this build method is also the use of one-click script, from start to finish there is no complex operation. Not much to say, this will start, in order to avoid the mess, here to post a statement:

Here to declare that the construction method used in this article is not my original, just organize and share, the purpose is to facilitate the majority of netizens to carry out formal TikTok cross-border e-commerce for the country to earn foreign exchange used for other purposes of the consequences arising from my own irrelevant, here also say one more thing, your friends cross-border process there will be a lot of harmful information, please improve the ability to screen information and the ability to think on their own.Do not view, post, or publish information that jeopardizes the country'ssuretyThe message, love your country, love your party and remember to remember to remember!!!!This tutorial is not original, purely to share without profit, the consequences of indiscriminate use of personal responsibility

Before the webmaster has introduced TikTok residential IP used to operate the benefits of TikTok, compared to the server IP will be better, the use of residential IP registered TK account data are good, also introduced a fewResidential IP Service ProviderHowever, the residential IP provided by these service providers are mostly socks5 nodes, this node direct connection is very easy to be walled, you need to link through a secondary agent or chain agent, the speed of the link may also be a little worse. And build your ownExclusive NodeSpeed, but with the server to build the node using the server IP again, the previous way to build speed and IP quality need to sacrifice one.

There are a lot of friends in the past node building articles ask the webmaster to build their own nodes and socks5 residential IP which of these two ways should be chosen, very tangled.

Now there is no need to get entangled, because in this article will not only introduce the new build method, the same will also use the new server merchant's server to build, its server itself already has a residential IP, that is, the server merchant's server default allocation of double isp home wide residential U.S. native IP, which is the webmaster to use the IP test data of the test machine:

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes 2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes 2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

As you can see it's very good, the TK node built with such a server combines the two advantages of IP purity and speed. We will introduce you to this server provider next.


Next we buy a VPS used to build our nodes, because there are many new whites may not have a high budget but want to build their own nodes to operate TikTok money, so the webmaster has been adhering to the principle of good but not expensive nodes recommended for everyone VPS, which you can rest assured. Here also posted a few previousTikTok NodeServer recommended articles, these VPS are the webmaster personally used feel good before recommended. We can choose freely according to the budget and other circumstances, building methods are common.

👉TikTok native residential IP service providers recommended, operation must

👉 TIKTOK Unlimited VPS Organizer, TIKTOK Operating Node VPS Recommendation

👉TikTok server vps recommended, multi-country zero fraud value low risk degree vps service provider recommended!

Lisa's HostVPS Server Provider Introduction

Today we are using Lisa hosting VPs to build TK nodes, which is the webmaster only recently found a cost-effective and configuration are very good VPS service providers, especially suitable for use in buildingTikTok NodeBecause his family's server's IP for double isp home wide residential U.S. native IP, the line used is the U.S. 4837 line, the webmaster measured down the TK operating data is good, the new number of the first five videos add up to break 10w+, the node rate and the rate of the nodes builtstabiliseSex is also sufficient for daily operations.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

So this article is built using his machine, which happens to be a recentLisa's HostNew on the brand new dual ISP residential IP segment 4837 line of the machine. Good IP segments are still very much in demand, so if you want to build a good TK node, we recommend that you get started as soon as possible.

interviewsLisa (lisahost(official website)

For your convenience, you can directly click the button to go straight to the official website of Lisa Hosting:

Click to go directly to the official website of Lisa Hosting

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Suggestions for those who don't have an accountRegister for an account firstMake another purchase.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After registering for an account, you are on the main backend page, click on the left side of the "Products & Services", and in the drop down select "Purchase Products"

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After that, you will come to the product package selection interface, Lisa hosting provides a variety of prices and packages of VPS products, you can freely choose according to their own situation.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Operational TIkTok Recommended OptionsPackages with Dual ISP Home Wide Residential IPsAs you can see, Lisa Hosting has two packages that offer dual ISP home wide residential IPs, namelyU.S. 4837 line mega bandwidth VPS [Dual isp home wide residential U.S. native IP unlimited trafficandU.S. top boutique network 9929 line VPS Phase I [double isp home wide residential U.S. native IP

The difference between these two packages is that the lines are different. What is the difference? Here the webmaster will briefly introduce

US 4837 line is a Unicom line, operated by China Unicom; US Top Boutique 9929 line is jointly operated by a number of carriers, including China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, etc. The scope of application of US 4837 line and US Top Boutique 9929 line is also different. US 4837 lines are mainlyApplicable to Unicom userswhile the 9929 line of America's top boutique network wasFor all domestic users.

U.S. Line 4837 is like a dedicated channel, operated by Unicom and dedicated to Unicom customers.It's a wider, faster passage.The US Top Boutique Network 9929 line is like a public channel, operated by multiple carriers to provide service to all domestic users.It's also wider and faster.

If you are using Unicom broadband, then the US 4837 line is a good choice. If you are using broadband from other carriers, then the US Top Boutique 9929 line is a good choice.

In Lisa hosting, 4837 lines with a minimum allocation of $60 per month, plus permanent discount code can be $54 per month, 9929 lines with a minimum allocation of the original price of $ 88 per month, plus a permanent discount code of $ 79 per month, so that the IP and the line counts the cost-effective are very good.

Of course, a lot of times if it's not for TikTok live streams and the like that require net rates andstabiliseBusiness activities with high sexual requirements, these two lines for TikTok daily operations such as sending videos in daily use perception of the difference is not very big, itself Lisa host on the 4837 line also has the mainland China triple-network backhaul CUVIP 4837 line optimization, the three carriers (China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile) backhaul line optimization, its path is shorter, lower latency, the use of the still quite It is still quite good to use. Friends with higher budget can choose 9929 line.

Since this is a tutorial, this article will give you a build demo with the 4837 line lowers.


Click "Order Now"PurchaseU.S. 4837 line mega bandwidth VPS [Dual isp home wide residential U.S. native IP unlimited trafficThe $60 price package of

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Come to the checkout page, linux system selectionubuntu 20.04Purchase hours hereSelect 1 monthIf you are in a position to do so, we recommend that you choose to pay quarterly or annually. Lisa's hosting machines are still quite good, and IPs are in high demand, so after you've made your selection, click onproceed with

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Fill in the coupon codeTS-CBP205DQJEYou can get a price reduction on 10% by clicking on theCheckoutUse Alipayscan a code and make a paymentThat's it.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodesAfter payment your registered email address will receive the Lisa Hostingemail notificationThe SSH login username and password will be sent to you, of course, this username and password can also be seen in the background of the website machine, click on my products, click into the purchased server, you will see it!

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

SSH connection to the server and building the node

Through the above steps we have successfully purchased a server, in the network we can real-time on the web page to see a variety of information about the server, but in the real world, our VPS servers are miles away from the other side of the ocean in a server room, we need to connect to our servers and deployment nodes through a tool, the most commonly used tool protocol is SSH, download ssh toolsFinalShellDownload, install, and open2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After opening FinalShell, click on the top left corner of the "file (paper)"In the secondary page that pops up click on the top left corner of the pageWhite folder with small plus signSelect "ssh connection", add a new SSH connection to the server

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Copy and paste the password of the backend account of the purchased Lisa VPS into the input box of the new connection, and name it randomly for your own recognition.IP address for host, username for username, instance password for passwordThe following is a list of the most important things that you can do. Once the check is complete, just make sure, Smart Acceleration can try to turn on the

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After clicking "OK"FinalShellwill not connect automatically, you need to go back toFinalShellThe main page clicks once on the created connection configuration before starting the SSH connection to the VPS

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Building nodes with one-click scripts

Once connected, we need to update the package list and install the curl Tools. :

CentOS and Fedora systems:

centos: yum update -y

yum install curl -y

Debian and ubuntu systems:

apt-get update -y

apt-get install curl -y

Copy the two lines of code above and paste them into ssh to update the components for whatever system you purchased.

The next step is to build a one-click script, which is pretty easy, just follow the tutorial.

Enter the script in the SSH page and click enter

bash <(curl -fsSL

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After that, you may need to wait for a while, waiting for it to generate and download the necessary configuration files, loading will appear to select the Reality port, the default is 443, but it is recommended to change to another port, 443 port has a lot of important uses, here the webmaster to choose the 888 port, enter the changed port and then enter can be:

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Stealing the Reality certificate site suggests defaulting to enter

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

To set the hysteria2 protocol listening port, it is recommended to just enter:

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodesTo set up hysteria2 self-signed domain certificates, it is recommended to simply enter:

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Configure the port for Vemss, just enter by default, and the ws path is also entered by default:

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After that, it will generate a large section of the node configuration file, so far, the node on the construction is complete, it is very simple, in the SSH page you only need a few times to paste the code and a few times to enter the success of the construction of your own TK node, one-click script, simple!speedybrainless and convenient

After the construction is complete, because some VPS may have set the firewall certain ports closed resulting in the node can not be connected, so we can enter the following code enter to close the firewall:

sudo ufw disable

After building the node, next we need to connect to the node we built, because these 3 protocols are relatively new and the node software is not yet fully adapted, so it may be a bit of a hassle to connect, but the webmaster will try to make it as clear as possible.

TikTok nodes for connectivity building

The node protocols that came out of this build were hysteria2 and reality, two of the current speed andsuretyThe two node protocols are both particularly good. The following will illustrate how the various platforms connect to what we have built of thisTwo protocolsNodes.

Windows connection

following introductionThe way windows connects to the constructed node, first, download theclash-verge, download and install.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Open finashell, our ssh tools page, where you can see the configuration information for the node we just built in step one.If you have closed the ssh page, you can enter the build node script code again and then enter 3 to view the built node configuration file

Since the windows node tool we configured above is clash verge, the kernel used is clash-meta, then we need to find the node configuration file for clash-meta, in the SSH page look at the picture below to select and copy the complete clash-meta configuration parameters:

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After copying, create a new text file, paste the copied configuration file into the text, and change the text extension to .yaml

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

In the clash verge click on Configure - New, type select Local, name yourself, select the file to import the above copy and paste and change the suffix finished yaml file, and then click Save on it!

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodesAfter that, click on the imported configuration file to enable it, there is a green exclamation mark in the upper right corner indicating that it is successfully enabled, and then click on theact on behalf of sb. in a responsible positionYou'll see that there are already nodes to choose from, click to select hysteria2 and either reality or Vmess2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

After clicking on either hysteria2 or reality, click on settings, click on the little button behind the system proxy, turn it on and you're done, you can access the TikTok page very smoothly!

In general, the system agent is enough, if you want a deeper level of agent, you can click on the service mode of the small shield to install the agreement and then open Tun mode

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

OK, so far, the windows system to connect the node method is complete, as long as you step by step in accordance with the steps to follow down can be!

Android Connection Node

Compared to the complexity of windows, Android is relatively simple to download.NekoBoxThe cell phone installs and downloads afterwardhysteria2 pluginIf you want to use any protocol, you can just copy the generic link of this protocol and send it to your phone.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

Cell phones need to be copied and sent over againProtocol Generic LinkMake it exist in the clipboard, then open NekoBox, click on the upper right corner of the three dots - click on Add Server Configuration - import from the clipboard, then select the imported nodes, click on the bottom of the paper airplane icon with a slash to start, so this will be completed! Now you have completed all the steps of importing nodes to your Android phone and connecting to it.

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodesApple System Connection Node

Apple system webmaster only recommend small rocket (Shadowrocket), its use experience, the number of users, support protocols, etc. are extremely excellent, but its download conditions are a bit troublesome, first of all, you have to have a U.S. Apple ID, only the U.S. app store you can search Shadowrocket, and the download requires 3 dollars.

If you've already purchased Shadowrocket in the Apple Mobile App Store, you'll need to update the software toLatest version 2.2.43.Only the latest version supports the hysteria2 protocol.

If you don't have a U.S. Apple ID or a payment channel.Then I recommend that you directly buy someone else has purchased the small rocket of the U.S. Apple ID login Apple Store direct download.

Here is a recommended store to buy from:
Click here to buy Little Rocket

Here's a reminder to watch how to use the purchased Apple ID before buying it to log into the store only.Don't log in the settings, because considering that this tutorial is facing a small audience, we introduce two ways to import nodes into small rockets without manual input:

Download, install, after the little rocket.Copy the generic link of the node in the SSH page and send it to your Apple phone, then copy it again so that it is stored in the pasteboard, and then open the little rocket, there will be a prompt on whether to allow the little rocket to paste, click allow, and the node will be imported in by itself!

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes

The node generic link can be seen schematically in the figure below:

If you find the method copied above troublesome, you can convert the generic link of the node into a QR code, and later use theSimple import with a little rocket sweep, , ,Android users can also import using this method, use the Straw QR code tool to convert generic links into QR codes:

Click to go to the QR code for grass



2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes


2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes


Well, after talking about how to build and connect nodes in the three systems, then this article to build TikToK nodes to this article is almost done, the talk of the webmaster that also made it clear, the

Here again, the construction method used in this article is not my original, just organize and share, the purpose is to facilitate the majority of netizens to carry out formal TikTok cross-border e-commerce for the country to earn foreign exchange used for other purposes of the consequences arising from my own irrelevant, here also say one more thing, your friends cross-border process there will be a lot of harmful information, please improve the ability to screen information and the ability to think on their own.Do not view, post, or publish information that jeopardizes the country'ssuretyThe message, love your country, love your party and remember to remember to remember!!!!This tutorial is not original, purely to share without profit, the consequences of indiscriminate use of personal responsibility

As for the two node protocol how to choose, you can test yourself, hysteria2 is generally used for the line is not very good VPS will have a great speed role, if it is the use of this tutorial in the Lisa host, choose reality on it, Lisa host line is still good, hysteria2 and reality two speed and delay are about the same, there is not a big gap. There is no big gap, the delay in this regard is limited to the physical distance between the basic maintenance of 200ms-300ms, of course, the delay in the direct connection is normal, there are conditions and needs can be on the transit or forwarding delay can be reduced!

If you accidentally close the configuration page you can SSH back to the VPS and enterscriptsRe-enter the number3You'll be able to pull up the configuration details


2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes


On second thought, it looks like the webmaster has already covered the protocol for how to build TikToK nodes, and this post uses the v2ray protocol 👉Build your own exclusive exclusive TikTok node - v2ray build tutorial, this post used the naive protocol 👉Build your own exclusive native exclusive TikTok node - the latest and most stable naive node build, this post used the Trojan protocol 👉Build your own exclusive and exclusive TikTok node - International version of ShakeNode building tutorialNow the updated article and used hysteria2 and reality protocol, basically is the construction of nodes used in most of the protocols written, as for which protocol is the best, mercifully, suitable for the line.

The webmaster also introduced the usefulness of socks5 residential IPs, cleaner IPs and better environments, which can be used in conjunction with the construction of nodes or airports using chained proxies, very helpful for TikTok operations:

👉 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended and Essential for Operations

In the past, some webmasters have also introduced some of the VPS merchants that are suitable for building nodes for TikTok operations, if the Lisa host in the article does not have the IP of the TK country where you operate or the machine is sold out, you can try to sign up to use these VPS merchants:

👉TIKTOK unrestricted VPS finishing, TIKTOK operating node VPS recommendations

👉Tiktok node server purchase recommendations - TikTok native IP build their own

👉TikTok server vps recommended, multi-country zero fraud value low risk degree vps service provider recommended!


This site is a blog site to share TikTok operation tips and the latest cutting-edge information, only to help the majority of friends for TikTok cross-border e-commerce. If the information on this site is useful to you, you can bookmark this site, and occasionally come back to see, maybe I have updated what useful dry articles it

2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes


丨If not stated, all are original丨This website usesBY-NC-SAProtocol for licensing
Reprinted with original link.2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes
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(77)A small partner is spitting
  1. Thanks to the webmaster, I do the United States in the video, a few days ago in your VPS recommended articles to see this host provider, try to build a node, yesterday the new number of video burst 600K, haha, I did not expect to see today you use this host provider to build tutorials, webmaster has a group can exchange? I really appreciate it.
    Coro's working on it.2024-01-10 11:40 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Thank you, no need, useful as long as, this hosting provider's IP is indeed very good, so far no group has been built.
      TikTok, 112024-01-10 11:43 Reply
  2. Thank you webmaster, it has been successfully built, REALITY speed is good, can run full bandwidth!
    fd2024-01-12 15:35 Reply
  3. Please help the webmaster, tk a machine one needs a small rocket per machine, and small rocket tied to the best vps is not the same ip, since it is not the same ip, then the same domain name below the need to resolve more than one ip, but I see in the domain name site to resolve the success of the natural agent script in finalshell mount, the last step but shows "the current domain name resolution ip and the current vps local ip does not match". However, when I mount the natural proxy script in finalshell, the last step shows that "the ip of the current domain name resolution does not match the local ip of the current vps". What should I do if this is the case? The new vps can't be wasted!
    Yu Sanshui loves tomatoes.2024-02-06 18:13 Reply
    • TK11
      Maybe you change the domain name resolution has not been fully propagated network, usually need to wait 5 to 10 minutes after changing the ip of domain name resolution. In addition, it is recommended to bind the domain name to the second level domain name, not to use the main domain name.
      TK112024-02-15 17:31 Reply
  4. Webmaster, I just want to ask, why in accordance with your tutorials to build a good node, the release of the first seven video views are good, but why to the seventh video on the traffic plummeted, only a little more than 100, the first six videos are in the 4-8,000 such, and each video is an original!
    More than 7 and it plummets.2024-02-14 03:06 Reply
    • TK11
      That's all the normal initial push flow for a new number. If your account initial push flow period no video into the next level of flow pool, push flow will end and return to normal flow, or need to focus on the quality of the content, 4-8000 initial viewing is still good, there is potential, should also be the original reason, it is recommended that more updates, quality updates, TK is still very encouraging to the original creators, and so the account behind the update of the original much more will also give you to push the flow of the
      TK112024-02-15 19:28 Reply
  5. Webmaster, is it ok to use this Lisa's vps if tk is live? How to choose?
    Wei Xiaobao (1912-1975), martial arts practitioner, master of Bruce Lee2024-02-19 21:14 Reply
    • TK11
      Can, but it is best to add a line good transit server, more stable and fast, the webmaster measured live can enter the people, the flow can also be
      TK112024-02-20 21:37 Reply
      • Webmaster, is there a tutorial on adding a transit server, white guy, seeking advice, thanks. If tk live, how much bandwidth is appropriate to choose for this Lisa's vps?
        Wei Xiaobao (1912-1975), martial arts practitioner, master of Bruce Lee2024-02-21 22:20 Reply
  6. Webmaster, I am a beginner, do I need to log on to my computer every day to build my own?
    Andre2024-04-11 17:17 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      No need, after building the node will automatically run in the server, just renew the server every month!
      TikTok, 112024-04-12 15:51 Reply
  7. How can I get the QR code for my Apple phone?
    I love dried fish.2024-04-12 22:04 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Hi, the script has been updated, there is no QR code anymore, you can copy the generic link and paste it to import it
      TikTok, 112024-04-13 21:10 Reply
      • Webmaster, according to the tutorial operation input mianyang can not call which script configuration page, how to find the link to the node?
        cake2024-04-15 22:59 Reply
        • TikTok, 11
          Script updated, the webmaster has not had time to update the article, the new script to view the configuration: re-enter the script enter the execution can be entered, enter the number 3 can display the client configuration
          TikTok, 112024-04-16 10:57 Reply
  8. May I ask why I am still in China after logging in to after building the node according to your method?
    xiaoyugan2024-04-13 20:41 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Maybe the node is not connected? As long as the normal construction and connected to the node after the IP address will be changed, Lisa hosting IP can not be broadcast IP, the webmaster in the see your problem also rebuilt the script is normal, so it should be where the operation of the problem, please double-check it Oh!null
      TikTok, 112024-04-13 21:17 Reply
      • Erm, tiktok can be casually on, comments and so on are normal, just open shows that I am still in shenzhen, can I directly re-run the script to build again?
        xiaoyugan2024-04-13 23:24 Reply
      • It's solved. There's no global proxy selected for the little rocket.
        xiaoyugan2024-04-13 23:28 Reply
  9. Webmaster, can you come up with a tutorial on adding a relay server for tk live streaming needs?
    cake2024-04-15 14:59 Reply
  10. How many cell phones can be connected to one vps
    seven (banker's anti-fraud numeral)2024-04-17 12:34 Reply
  11. Type in mianyang and click enter, then type in the number 3 to view the node configuration file that has been built. mianyang: command not found I don't know what the problem is.
    1232024-04-18 21:32 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      New script to view the configuration: re-copy the input script back to execute it, enter the number 3 to display the client configuration
      TikTok, 112024-04-21 11:30 Reply
      • Hello, webmaster, can you tell me, my little rocket is connected, but it doesn't show much latency, and there's no network, is there a problem?
        1232024-05-19 22:31 Reply
  12. Hello webmaster, I would like to ask what the number is and how to operate Tk with the number, I wonder if the webmaster can answer this, thanks!
    kk2024-04-20 22:00 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      An IP number segment usually refers to a range of IP addresses, a range, for example, of addresses for an IPV4 subnet. There are IP addresses from to, where the first three digits, 192.168.1, are the IP number segment, followed by 1-254, which is the subnet that can hold 254 host devices (with IP addresses ranging from .1 to .254), that is, if you have the ability to rent a good IP segment, you can have more than one I unique IP address. If you have the ability to rent a subnet number segment such as 192.168.8.X (X can range from 1-256), then you have 256 unique IP addresses, and if the segment is clean and stable, then you likewise have 256 stable unique IP addresses. Use the number to operate TikTok that is to say, rent a good clean and stable IP section, use this IP section of multiple IP addresses to batch operation of TikTok account, because this IP section is clean, but also the surface of this IP section of the IP has not been contaminated by the IP are good IP, you can rest assured that the use of. In fact, webmasters feel that get P number segment to operate TikTok is not necessary, unless you have a matrix operation needs to avoid the trouble of renting an IP segment for operation. After all, the price of renting IP segments is not cheap
      TikTok, 112024-04-21 10:38 Reply
  13. Hello webmaster, have purchased Lisa, but this ip has not been able to connect, showing timeout, do you know why?
    wen2024-04-23 23:06 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Is it that SSH is not connecting? Or the node can't connect after building the node? If it's the former, turn on Finalshell's Smart Acceleration and check if the root password is entered correctly. In the latter case, check whether the corresponding port of the setup node is open or not, or whether the port is occupied, if not, reinstall the system and rebuild it again, and if not, the IP is walled off, and then the IEPL forwarding transit.
      TikTok, 112024-04-24 10:04 Reply
      • Hi, I can't connect to ssh, I have checked the [finalshell] smart acceleration and it doesn't work, I pinged the ip and it says request timeout, is there a way to solve this?
        wen2024-04-24 12:51 Reply
        • TikTok, 11
          Try to restart the server to try, not yet work probability of P is walled, hang a proxy and then try to connect, at the same time, but also to check the local network settings, to confirm that there is no firewall or security software to prevent SSH connection. If these steps are unable to solve the problem, contact Lisa's customer service to seek technical support, professional people do professional things, really can not ask for a replacement machine or refund. Lisa's IP is good, and many people use it, it is inevitable that it will be walled!
          TikTok, 112024-04-24 21:09 Reply
  14. The tk can be opened but the video keeps loading and won't play, what's the reason?
    kern2024-04-29 20:08 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Attention to check whether to open the global agent, connected to the agent node speed test, whether there is a delay MS
      TikTok, 112024-04-30 10:24 Reply
  15. Hi webmaster, I accidentally closed the ssh page, and then re-enter the script according to your article, --->3, want to view the link to the node, are unable to display the client configuration information, those 1 to 6 numbers are not displaying the corresponding information, all are only display command not found, what is the situation?
    Wei Xiaobao (1912-1975), martial arts practitioner, master of Bruce Lee2024-05-01 15:33 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Yes, this article was updated in April, the original two protocol script for a three protocol script, the original script has some problems, if you are based on this article before April to build the script, it is best to re-install the system to build again, re-build the script will be able to use this method to view the configuration, I'm very sorry to bring trouble!TikTok node script view configuration
      TikTok, 112024-05-01 19:46 Reply
  16. Please help the webmaster, according to the step by step operation to the last imported configuration file to enable, no green exclamation point in the upper right corner of the prompt Refresh clash config Where is the problem with the settings? Node selection Reality, Hysteria2, Vmess are all gray numbers, DIRECT is green numbers, open TK web page prompts no network, is there a problem with the operation? How can I solve this problem?
    kiwi2024-05-01 16:06 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Yes, it may be a kernel environment problem, see the section below on replacing the meta kernel, in addition, after selecting the node, you have to turn on the system agent in the Clash Verge system settings in order to take effect agentNode connection is normal
      TikTok, 112024-05-01 19:55 Reply
  17. Nodes built, will circle x work?
    radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 3)2024-05-11 11:28 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      The article builds three protocols, Quantumult X doesn't support the reality and Hysteria2 protocols in the article, but it does support the Vmess protocol, so you can try building it!
      TikTok, 112024-05-11 21:06 Reply
  18. Webmaster, after reading your tutorial, I bought 6 Lisa's vps to build nodes, before using more than a month are very good, today before logging into the tk to detect the network (, found that I use the ip of these Lisa's vps all into the blacklist, how can suddenly all into the blacklist? What will happen if I keep logging into tk?
    Xiao Mu (1938-1992), former president of the PRC Supreme Court2024-05-11 13:21 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      There is no effect, whoer's blacklist check has a problem, I took a few different IP vendors, different VPS IP, server IP, static residential IP to check all the blacklists, these IP detection sites can be a reference, but don't be too trusting, the most trustworthy is the operation of the data
      TikTok, 112024-05-11 21:25 Reply
      • Got it, thanks webmaster.
        Xiao Mu (1938-1992), former president of the PRC Supreme Court2024-05-11 22:58 Reply
  19. Webmaster, why is it that I copied the generic link to my cell phone and then opened the little rocket and it didn't respond? I was able to scan the QR code before.
    kunkun2024-05-14 17:17 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      1. may not open the small rocket copy and paste permissions 2. small rocket version is too low, need to update the previous script has a problem, can not call out the configuration page after building, replace the new script, this script does not have a QR code, if you really need a QR code scanning, you can google search under the node connected to the QR code into a tool or website and then use the small rocket scanning on the line!
      TikTok, 112024-05-18 10:05 Reply
      • I have the same problem, I used the link in the article to buy, download the small rocket, manually input reality and hysteria2, are not working, open ssh according to the parameter input, get countless times, check are right, is not where to fill in the right? For example, I can't write NONE for the transmission method. The network is not working anyway, and I went to generate a QR code to scan it, and it showed a useless URL. 。。。。
        tracy2024-05-19 23:48 Reply
        • TikTok, 11
          Find the server IP and use theThis websiteDetection, query the server IP is not walled (not domestic, foreign pass), if you are walled to hang a transit. In addition, use theForage QR CodeGenerate a QR code and try again
          TikTok, 112024-05-20 20:30 Reply
  20. May I ask the webmaster if this tutorial is outdated? I've followed the steps 3 times now. Every time I click on the yaml file loaded by clash verge, the error code proxy 0: unsupport proxy type: veless pops up. There are only drect and reject in the proxy. I'm baffled, what's going on here? The log is also dial failed erro
    xuankail2024-05-17 12:07 Reply
  21. Please ask the build node tt is walled, but if I first use the airport to open the tt and then exit to close, and then use the self-built node can be normal brush video, this situation is how it is ah? My account has always been operated by airport and the amount of playback often exceeds 10,000, is my account locked by the airport node?
    tangyi2024-05-17 17:29 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Most likely the node is walled off. When you build it, change the port or node with atranshipmentThere is no account locked by the node, frequent replacement of the node IP will only lead to limit the flow, there will not be brush out of the video, brush out of the video is only possible that the agent is not completely global or nodes are walled simply can not be connected, or the cell phone environment is not good!
      TikTok, 112024-05-18 09:58 Reply
  22. Where can I find the QR code to scan on the ssh page? I can't find it.
    1232024-05-19 16:22 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      This script does not have a QR code, copy the generic link and paste it into the node software can be imported, if you really need to scan the QR code, you can google search under the node connection into a QR code tool or website and then scan with the small rocket on the line!
      TikTok, 112024-05-19 20:55 Reply
      • Thank you! Please do short video with goods if a vps can take a few cell phones does not affect the flow of ah!
        be2024-05-22 23:09 Reply
  23. I've followed all the steps to the letter, but I can't access the internet, I've done the QR code, I've scanned the rocket, but I can't access the internet, it's so strange, I can't access the internet.
    tracy2024-05-20 12:10 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Find the server IP and use theThis websiteDetection, query the server IP is not walled (not domestic, foreign pass), if you are walled to hang a transit. In addition, use theForage QR CodeGenerate a QR code and try again
      TikTok, 112024-05-20 20:31 Reply
  24. Webmaster Hello The first step to update the components CentOS system and Fedora system: centos: yum update -y && yum install curl -y show that the command is not found is what happened!
    Victor (name)2024-05-20 15:57 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      && before and after are two strings of code, to be copied separately separately back to update, the text expression is not detailed, has been corrected
      TikTok, 112024-05-20 20:25 Reply
      • I skipped this one when it said it couldn't be found, and went ahead and installed the bash.
        youngest child2024-06-06 01:22 Reply
  25. Webmaster, I would like to ask about the many kinds of build protocols on the market, how do I choose?
    fuji is working on it.2024-05-22 15:19 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Bad line go with hysteria2, ok line go with reality
      TikTok, 112024-05-27 19:51 Reply
  26. Hello webmaster, first of all, thank you for sharing the tutorial on how to build a web. I've encountered a few problems after I built it, first: I don't know why it doesn't respond when I use the REALITY link and paste it to go to Little Rocket, but when I use the HYSTERIA2 link it works, but the name is not the one I set up after recognizing it. Second: the internet speed is very unstable, sometimes it feels very fast, sometimes it's huge slow. Hope this clears things up.
    Hank.2024-05-24 16:57 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Re-paste, REALITY can be pasted in, really can't paste in using hysteria2 can also be used, the speed of these two protocols is not much difference. You can change the identification name in the little rocket. Internet speed is not stable plus a transit, Lisa's line is still OK, at most is the peak congestion will be a little unstable, but most of the time is OK, the script to build the protocol in the peak period of data transmission compared to other protocols is also the fastest, it is recommended to detect the local network and the operator to choose the appropriate line!
      TikTok, 112024-05-27 19:46 Reply
  27. Hello webmaster, I would like to ask the article does not mention the code to build the node for windows, lisa hosting purchase also does not have windows option, but advertised that windows is possible to build, is there a specific solution for this piece?
    Rush tiktok2024-06-15 17:50 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Windows system to build nodes is quite cold, there are not many tutorials in this area, generally Linux build, Lisa host does not have windows, you can buy other hosting provider, really want to use Lisa windows can try to dd system, online tutorials, but I'm not sure if Lisa hosts allow such behavior, you can ask the customer service, windows build! Node tutorial youtube bad forest blogger has a period of video can refer to, it is recommended to go to see
      TikTok, 112024-06-16 20:28 Reply
  28. Hello, webmaster, why is the name messed up after I imported the configuration file?
    Vincent.2024-06-28 18:41 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      The name can be set by yourself during import
      TikTok, 112024-06-29 19:07 Reply
  29. Hi webmaster, I followed the tutorial and it worked in one go, thank you very much. But I checked in whoer and it says my ip is in the blacklist, do I need to change my ip?
    wise20132024-07-02 16:27 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Whoer's IP detection has a problem, not it's home to buy the IP always show the blacklist, as a reference on the line, do not believe it!
      TikTok, 112024-07-07 14:20 Reply
  30. First of all, thanks to the webmaster's recommendation and the detailed tutorial, I purchased the vps from Lisa and it works quite well. Since I'm doing TK live streaming from the US, I'm thinking of purchasing another company's VPS as a back-up supplement to Lisa's (after all, there are live streaming needs), my questions are 1, is this necessary and 2, if so, which company is recommended? Thanks!
    Larry.2024-07-14 18:40 Reply
    • Do you still join other ip's, on the server? How should I join them? Where do I go to get clean ip to join?
      lee2024-08-01 12:26 Reply
  31. Sir, is it still possible to convert QR codes?
    trl2024-08-03 11:54 Reply
  32. Hello webmaster, apple phone has been installed, can be used normally, thank you for the guidance, but in the connection with the computer window system, encountered the download + 64-bit clash verge software setup.exe, open and found that there is no configuration buttons, there is no way to enter the .yaml file, it stops. How can I download the clash verge with the configure button, thank you very much!
    kathylin33602024-08-07 22:47 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      The new version of clash verge hasconfigurehas been changed tosubscribe toNow, click on thesubscribe toclick againnewly builtAfter that, clicktypologyoptionLocalClickSelect FileJust import the .yaml file!
      TikTok, 112024-08-08 21:17 Reply