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2024 Dual ISP Residential VPS Server Merchant Recommendations, TikTok Pure Native IPs

TikTok static residential IP TikTok, 11 2 months ago (07-29) 290 views Included Scan the QR code

Being in the country and running TikTok, a good clean IP node is essential and theISPResidential nature of the node is considered to be a relatively clean one, the operation down the actual effect is also better than the conventional IP nodes, some knowledge about IP, what is theResidential IP, running TikTok has what it takes toResidential IP, you can look back at a previous article written by the webmasterWhat is IP and what you need to know about IP to operate TikTok international version of JitterbugSimply put.ISPThe percentage of IP risk is relatively low for IPs of this nature, and the likelihood of IPs entering the TikTok risk pool is lower for eliminating proxy network characteristics

Commonly available on the market todayISPResidential IPMost of the large IP service providers hold socks5 type IP, this IP using the socks5 protocol, the speed is slow, and easier for the firewall to recognize the wall off, of course, you can also use other methods to remove these shortcomings, such as transit chain proxy, but are slightly more troublesome, on the socks5 residential agent service providers, the webmaster has also introduced a number of related businesses, the use of the down is also quite good, also welcome to jump to read 👉2024 TikTok Native Residential IP Service Providers Recommended, Essential for Operations  👉TikTok2022 latest residential IP service provider iproyal registration use tutorial

Then there is the one that has a doubleISPVPS with attribute IPs, which is what this article recommends in relation to theVPSserver, we use thisVPSBuild your own nodes asVPSMerchants generally give enough bandwidth, as well as some additional money optional optimization line, built nodes for TikTok daily operation, uploading video use is no problem at all, theVPSIt comes with its own doubleISPResidential IPThis server IP is ideal for use in self-builds, as it is both pure and native.TikTok Nodeof building nodes and then choosing a good protocol when building nodes, then there is no problem at all About the method of building nodes, you can look back at this article, 👉2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes


Okay, so after a brief babble, let's move on to something with a dualISPattribute IP'sVPSservice provider, you can choose the right service provider and package according to your budget and area of operation:

I. Lisa's Mainframe

👉Click to go directly to the official website of Lisa Hosting

It's a hosting provider founded in Hong Kong in 2017, most of the machines come with dual ISP IPs, and a lot of operators who do TikTok are using its servers

Lisa's HostIs the actual use of the stationmaster down regardless of the rate or stability are extremely good dual ISP service providers, to the machine configuration is reasonable, cost-effective, VPS itself has optimized lines, such as the United States has 4837 and 9929 and other lines of optimization, etc., the construction of theTikTok NodeMore stable, lower latency, faster speeds

Lisa's HostThe webmaster has also been in other articles many times before the special recommendation, after the recommendation to buy the user comments are also praised and praised, so if you are looking for a reliable and cost-effective double ISPResidential IPofVPSLisa hosting is an extremely good choice, and Lisa hosting to provide 24 hours IP is not satisfied, you can directly refund the - commitment, interested parties may wish to try!

Lisa Hosting currently has ISP Native IPRegions: USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, Taiwan, Japan (Japan is native non-ISP)

The node building tutorial use case on the blogger's site itself also uses theLisa's Hostof machines that can be jumped to read 👉2024 latest tutorial, one click to build three protocols TikTok node, stable, safe, fast, white can also brainless build TiKTok exclusive nodes


👉Click to go directly to WEPC official website

WEPCIt is also a VPS service provider that is very suitable for TikTok operation and building TikTok nodes, an IDC server merchant registered in Australia that has been running for many years, and is currently specializing in launching machines suitable for operating TikTok, and likewise most of the machines are equipped with dual-ISP IPs, and lines thatWEPCThe official website TikTok area states that all packages are designed for TikTOk users, all machines are optimized lines, direct connection can be, no need to transit. Therefore, there is no need to worry about rate stability.WEPCThe business itself launched a live line for TikTok, live, then direct connection without optimization transit, or very powerful, do live friends can buy to try.

WEPCVPS All Regions: USA, Taiwan, Korea (native), Malaysia (native), Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore (native), Australia (native)

WEPCRegions where VPS has ISP IP: United States, Australia

III. Sixty-six clouds

666cloudsIt is a national merchant established in 2020, and now mainly operates CN2 GIA in Los Angeles, USA, CMI/CN2 lines in Hong Kong, CN2 VPS in Japan, and South Korea.Native IPUnited KingdomNative IP VPS Business. The reputation in the hosting circle is still okay

the six-sixth cloudCurrently also launched with dual ISPs dedicated to TikTok operations VPS, the line and the given configuration is also very good, give enough traffic, good price-performance ratio.the six-sixth cloudTest IP is provided on the purchase page, you can test for reference

👉Click to go to the official website of Liuliuyun

Six Six Cloud VPS All Regions: USA, UK, Japan, Korea (Native), Hong Kong

Six Six Cloud has ISP IP region: United States, United Kingdom

IV. Tmhhost

👉Click to go to TmhHost official website

TmhHost, a national hosting merchant founded in 2019, mainly provides premium bandwidth line cloud server products in Los Angeles, USA and Hong Kong, China. Features include large bandwidth, premium lines (CN2, AS9929, CTG lines), and guaranteed not to oversell.TmhHost's cloud servers use clean and pure IP addresses, which are suitable for businesses such as unlocked streaming and gaming in the US. The servers are KVM-virtualized, high-performance NVMe arrays, which make them more suitable for building websites. In addition, no real name is required and 24 hours refundable if you are not satisfied, and Alipay payment is supported.

TmhHost, which also offers VPS from e-commerce-grade US ISPs, gives an okay configuration, and those who need it can head over to choose to buy it, unfortunatelyU.S. only.There are no ISP packages available in other areas.


👉Click to go to ipraft official website

A new dual-ISP VPS business, most of his family's machines have dual-ISP, and the price is lower, and covers more countries, and contains Germany, Japan, Malay, Indonesia and other popular but ISP VPS scarcity of the TikTok region, do these areas of the friends if you are looking for ISP servers, it may be worth a try!ipraft.

IpraftRegions with ISP: USA, Canada, Germany, Turkey, Arabia, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand

Updated 2024.8.2


Newly introduced a Malaysian local VPS merchant, operating with a Malaysian localResidential IP VPS, Malaysian business folks can check out

This merchant isMondozeA Malaysian server hosting provider established in 2012, offering high-end Linux VPS and Windows VPS with 100Mbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic usage, and optional Malaysian residences.Native IPAddresses, unlockable local streaming, support for credit cards, Bitcoin, PayPal and other payment methods

The price can not talk about cost-effective, but still recommended, local businesses operating local IP is somehow more reliable point, the need for friends to choose at their own discretion!

👉Click to go to mondoze official website

Updated 2024.8.9


Newly Introduced A Vietnam Merchant, Vietnam VPS Merchant, VietnamNative IP - Unlocked TikTok/Neflix streaming, unlimited traffic. There are IPs that support dual ISPs, free IPv6, also with dual ISP machines in Vietnam.

Vietnam is currently TK is very hot, the population is large, consumer demand is sufficient, but the unit price is low, in general, or a blue ocean, the webmaster does not have a business in Vietnam, so there is no test of the effectiveness of this TK, only to do the recommendation, in order to facilitate the need for friends to choose their own.

TothostAlthough it is a Vietnamese merchant, it supports Alipay payment

This is a local business, only operating Vietnam VPS, generally speaking, choose the IP to choose the local business is better, deep plowing local nature is relatively more reliable a little bit, a family of words. It's just for reference.

👉Click to go to tothost official website

This article introduces five VPS merchants with dual ISP residential IP, basically most of the popular areas of TikTok coverage, there are a few countries and regions you have the need to comment on the message, if there are other good similar merchants, you are welcome to comment on the recommendation!

If you don't think any of the recommendations in the article are for you, try looking back at a few of the webmaster's past TikTokVPS recommendation articles:

👉 TikTok server vps recommendation, multi-country zero fraud value low risk degree vps service provider recommendation!

👉 Tiktok node server purchase recommendation - TikTok native IP build your own

Wish you all can dig gold in TikTok and realize your vision, here is, focusing on sharing some dry articles related to TikTok


丨If not stated, all are original丨This website usesBY-NC-SAProtocol for licensing
Reprinted with original link.2024 Dual ISP Residential VPS Server Merchant Recommendations, TikTok Pure Native IPs
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