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30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)

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Table of Contents

Continue to update you on the next part of the 30,000-word article, which will introduce number raising, video editing, account weighting, account labeling, fund realizing and reddit realizing, explaining some FAQs and introducing some tools, etc. No more nonsense, just start!

Precision Nursing

1、Why do you want to raise the number

(1) Improve the accuracy of system recommendations

The system does not understand the new account persona, preferences, characteristics, etc., without raising the number can only randomly push about 300-500 users, the user is not accurate, the effect is not ideal.

(2) Improving the accuracy of self-portraits

The purpose of raising a number is to tag your account so that AI recognizes your account, knows what content your videos and account belongs to, and more accurately distributes it to people who are interested in that type of content.

(3) Improve the accuracy of user profiling

Tag the desired user group and build a user profile.

(4) Catering to system interaction design

TikTok achieves precise video placement through a two-way tagging interaction design.
To put it bluntly, raising a number is all about getting your videos recommended by the system to the people you want to see them.

2、How to raise the number

Like a person! Like a person! Like a person!Important thing to say three times. Just brush the video like a normal person OK.

(1) Brush Video

One is to swipe videos in the account tag category.

Be sure to have the idea of account verticals, segmented topics, and account tags must stand out. Watch account tagged category videos and slide away irrelevant videos while swiping foryou.

Don't look twice as soon as you see a beautiful woman and handsome man, you can register an account to watch it exclusively if you want to.

Second, watch, like, comment, and retweet. Complete these steps while watching the video.

(2) Favorite Tags

Two methods.

One is to follow the tags for similar purposes of the account. For example, if you make a drawing account, you search for Hashtags and bookmark #draw#drawing and all other similar tags.

Secondly, focus on the account category extension tag.

Into the account category of the video, in the text can be seen at the tags used by others, you can see the account content associated with the light of the tags, such as #art#sketch, etc., click on the collection can be.

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(3) How to judge the success of raising a number

One is whether the system pushes the target video heavily in foryou

For example, if you swipe foryou, are 2-3 out of 5 videos in your account category.
Some people are OK with 10 or 20 minutes of number raising time.

Secondly, there are recommendations for similar programs

Only a small number of accounts can reach it, and I'll talk to you about that as well.

Use a small number to enter your account, as shown in the following picture display, click on the same category account, see the bottom of the appearance is the same as your account category account, that means you raise the number of success.

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3、Protect the account

For newcomers, the operation process must be standardized to protect the account, unregulated operation will make your previous efforts go down the drain.

(1) Regularization of log-in and log-out account numbers

When logging into TikTok, turn on WiFi, turn on vv Internet, test the security of your environment (, and open TikTok.

When exiting TikTok, close TikTok and turn off WiFi.

You basically don't have to test the environment after you become a veteran driver either.

(2) When logging into TikTok on your Android phone, you should always open the proxy to check if it is closed by the background

Android phones are so buggy that even if you've set the software background battery drain to no longer optimize, it will still shut it down for you.

So if you are going to use TikTok on your Android phone for a long period of time, check the internet access frequently.

4. Cautions

1. One machine for one person

As the word suggests, one TikTok account is logged in on one cell phone. Multiple accounts logging into the same IP and switching frequently can easily cause account instability.

Think about it, the average user who uses multiple Jitterbug accounts, and the main people who can use multiple Jitterbug accounts are the ones who have to get money through Jitterbug.

These accounts can easily be determined to be marketing numbers, or be stream-limited, banned, etc. by TikTok because of multiple logins from one IP.

2. Don't change your personal information

Personal information is an important component of the account label, when you start the number, think about what the account is going to do, what the persona is, and your personal information is filled out according to the established direction and you're done;

Don't make changes so often that the system is confused "what is this guy up to?", your account label becomes less obvious, and your traffic performance deteriorates.

3. Accounts should not be logged in on the computer

We swipe the phone, change the language, time zone, and node settings just to build a good internet environment so that TikTok thinks you are a normal overseas user.

But the scientific internet environment on the computer is not so clean, so don't log in on the computer.

4. TikTok reads cell phone contact permissions and allows you to enter foreign contact phone numbers into your cell phone.

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Since TikTok reads cell phone contacts, let's cater to him and import some foreigner cell phone numbers into our phones. Foreigner's cell phone numbers can be looked up on the web.
Of course, you can disagree.

4. Node access stabilized

In the same way that you should not arbitrarily change your account information, you should not arbitrarily change your network nodes.

For example, if you are a normal user, where the node is indicates where you are in person.

It doesn't make sense for a normal person to be in LA right now and run Portland or Atlanta a little while later. Besides, the nodes we use can be unstable, jumpy, etc.

If you want to change nodes, you can turn your phone off for a couple of hours (think of it as the couple of hours it takes you to fly from Los Angeles to Atlanta on a plane) and then turn it back on to change nodes.

Post Video

Once the number raising is complete we can venture out and post videos.
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1、Searching for materials

As the name suggests, it's all about finding short video clips that you want to upload.

In addition to brands that have professional promotion teams to shoot videos and some teams that shoot their own short videos, the vast majority of players are currently getting their material through BY.

What kind of material is more valuable?

①High clarity self-talking

The choice of video footage doesn't have to be too high-definition, but it shouldn't be blurry; too much blurriness affects the user's experience and the generation of positive data.

The material should ideally be self-contained, e.g. the video content is groovy and topical.

Good video content speaks for itself and communicates with the user. If the material chosen is too bland, coupled with a lack of editing ability to realize it, the content of the video will be of low quality.

②Large space for secondary editing

Selected video footage editing space should be large, for example, the video screen has too many watermarks, copy, stickers and other material that affects the visual effect of the video is not used.

③ Video with short release time

Material released in a short period of time, indicating that the exposure of this video is still in a relatively small state, there are not too many people see, so you just judge the video content is relatively high quality, then we will be more likely to be over the platform of the second clip after the release of the check.

④Videos that have been released for a long time

It is the video released for a long time, can also be used as our material to carry, you can choose the previous explosion of the video, once again edited and uploaded.

2. Material sources

Domestic: Shake, Shutter/B, Xiaohongshu, Weibo/Volcano, Taobao, Weishi
Overseas: youtube, instagram, speedway, facebook
Video footage from all of these video platforms can be used, but of course, some are long videos that require further editing.

There is more video content on the platform, how should I judge the merits of the material, I can explode after BY.

- Cultivating Net Sense

It's still a good idea to brush up on your videos regularly to familiarize yourself with the tone and preferences of TikTok users, and to develop your sensitivity to pop-up videos.

- clear picture

Yes, as long as the picture is clear, it's enough, no requirement for how HD the pixels are.

- suit one's taste

Familiarize yourself with the customs of the destination area and find out what their tastes are.

The main features of the videos currently on TikTok areNovelty and bright colorsrely mainly on

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3、Video Download

The market is still quite a lot of ways to download, download tools, sites, processes in the following common tools module, will not repeat here.

4、Video editing

Once you find the footage you have to edit the video and de-weight it before uploading it.

(1) Why clip

One is mainly to follow TikTok's community rules to achieve video de-duplication by editing the original footage and modifying the MD5 value of the image.

Each video has a unique MD5 value, equivalent to the video gene, ID card.

The purpose of the clip is to modify this value, to perform the weight elimination process, not to let the system detect it as a by, and to realize the normal recommendation.

Many players initially into the TK released video always encounter 0 broadcast, low broadcast situation, a large part of the reason is that the material to find too popular, carry too many people, and their own editing techniques are not in place, uploaded to the platform did not pass the audit.

The second is to reconstruct the video material through editing so that the video content can meet the needs of users.

This kind of play requires a strong control of the content, usually before looking for material to have a clear expectation of the final video presentation, know the entire content logic of the short video.

The main software for editing are Cutscreen and PR, Humming Cat Batch Processing Software.

Commonly used editing methods include removing watermarks, zooming in, zooming out, adding filters, adding effects, adding transitions, color grading, frame pulling, mirroring, adding picture-in-picture, adding other videos, adjusting the order of the video, and other techniques.

(2) Video Style Suggestions

Vertical screen, 9:16 size is recommended, vertical screen will perform better than horizontal screen for the same video.

Try to keep the video length within 15 seconds, 8-12 seconds is best, too short a length will make the system decide that you are a poor quality video.

(3) Explosive video editing underlying logic

We want to make money through TikTok, we need to understand the TikTok algorithm overview to grasp the logic of the platform, the users, the fun, know your enemy.

Similarly, when we edit videos, we have to consider the issue from the perspective of the platform and the user, just like when your girlfriend is angry, you have to cajole her, and cater to her if she likes something, it's always the right thing to do, isn't it?

1. Platform level

①Bringing value to users through video content

Think about the core of your content is to bring the user what kind of value, the user to watch your video, must be interested in your content, or through your content can make a person to get decompression, happy, learn skills, etc..

② Extend length of stay by providing value

It is extremely beneficial that good videos attract users to stay on your account and also prolong their stay on the TikTok platform so that the TikTok platform can sink its users and keep absorbing users and traffic.

③Increase corporate profits through user stays

The world is all about profit, and a business that doesn't aim to gain profit is not a good business.

With the volume of users and traffic, TikTok can get cash through advertising placement, live streaming traffic and other channels.

2. User level

The user level is well understood.

You chase girls, the other party likes to travel, you pull people to play LOL, by the way, closed the door, did not kill you already counted your life.

There's no better feeling than having someone hand you a pillow when you're dozing off.

Users like to watch what video, your video is just what I want, to meet the needs of users, is successful and valuable video.

After clarifying the needs of the platform as well as the users, all that needs to be done is to create quality videos that fulfill the conditions by consistently creating them.

(4) Tips for handling pop-up videos

①Study rivals to imitate and surpass

Beginning to enter the field of short video, the fastest way to grow is to find competitors to imitate, find the right competitors to study, from his account this also set up, the account of the core value of the positioning, the source of the video content material, the overall style of the video, the selection of video footage as well as editing methods and so on into the hand.

②Fine Clips Effective De-weighting

Fine editing, on the one hand, to de-emphasize and pass the platform's review, and on the other hand, to optimize the video content, aiming to provide more value to users.

③Music jams make good use of sound effects

High-quality content can not do without the right music sound effects with the card point of the music sound effects is a video is very important point, the right music is often able to be the video pushed to the explosion.

④Visual impact eye-catching cover

Do you believe in one look? I do.

The cover of the video is very important and grabbing the user the first time is the key to a video.

⑤The first 3 seconds of the attraction highlights front

The first 3 seconds at the beginning of the video is best to put the highlights of the content straight away, users won't be able to scratch away easily.

A good dish doesn't work in the short-form video space; you have to serve the main course as soon as it comes up.

(vi) Content copywriting voice-over triple play

Life is firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea, and life is delicious when it is well blended.

Cutting is not difficult to operate, editing a few times to develop their own editing techniques, especially in the latter part of the process, generally for the purpose of de-emphasis, streaming production, I myself commonly used is the mute, speed, filters, thin face, cropping, mirroring, pinch the head and tail to cut the middle, so cut the de-emphasis is not a problem.

There is also a lot of batch editing software and such on the web that can be de-duplicated and is usable.

But if the road is to go far and run long, in the end it's back to originality.

TikTok won't tolerate the platform being filled with repetitive videos that detract from the user experience, it's just that it's still feeding the fish at the moment, and needs a lot of nationals to go out to sea and fill up its library of video footage to fuel the demand of its rapidly growing user base.

It's not that TikTok can't detect that we've used nodes, de-duplication, and other software, it's just that it's not time yet.

Look at Instagram, Facebook, it was too easy to increase your fan base when the platform was growing, and now, what about blocking your account with no temper.

Therefore, video editing is a foundational skill, a basic skill that must be mastered in order to run TikTok.

5、Publish video

(1) Publishing Video Process

① Go to the home page of your account and select "+", i.e. post a video.

There are real-time recording, uploading native video, picture compositing to video, and live broadcasting functions.

Video lengths of 15 seconds, 60 seconds and 3 minutes are available on demand.

It is recommended that newcomers keep their uploaded videos to 15 seconds or less, and it is very important that the video is finished.

If your video length is too long and the content is not of high quality, users will jump out of the video causing a low finish rate.

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The interface has the ability to add music, effects, text, and stickers to the video.

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②Select Music

- Use the music that comes with the edited video.

Need to pay attention to a problem, some music can be used at home, but in foreign countries have copyright protection can not be used, it is likely to infringe the copyright, it is recommended that you choose the TikTok music library music.

- Use music from your TikTok account collection.

Use the music recommended in TikTok or search for it yourself in the music library.

Note: The BGM music you choose is very important for a video to blow up or not .

It is recommended that when you are swiping through the videos, if you swipe a good BGM, one you like or one that is hot at the moment you bookmark it.

Later you can call these music by sending the same type of video in the background.

Background music is a big draw, and if the popular background music is a high match for your content, the odds are high that this video will be blown up.

It's not so much about picking good music as it is about matching the content, trying to jam and have the beat follow the content.
If your video is fast-paced, try to choose powerful music, and if it's more lyrical, choose soothing music.

The choke point is critical.Choosing music still takes work.

Generally I would choose upbeat and powerful music, probably because most of the current users of the TikTok platform are young and prefer this kind of music.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)In the Volume interface in the lower right corner, you can mediate the video sound, Original sound is the original sound of the video, Added sound is the volume of the added music.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)③Copy, label, cover

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The copy description should distill the highlights, or tweets, to trigger users to like and comment and share, increasing interactivity.
You can also go ahead and post one yourself in the comments section after the video has been posted to lead the comments.

Tagged Hashtag, pan tags paired with precision word tags (usually I'll use 5-8).

If a user actively searches based on a Hashtag, it increases your exposure. (With Hashtag traffic)

CoverIt's important that when fans follow you, some of them are likely to go to your homepage.

At this point if you have a high number of plays on this video and a catchy cover, it's going to increase the number of clicks significantly.

So, when choosing a cover, pick an image that catches the eye at first glance, and wow is it up to that feeling.
How can you attract fans if you can't even attract yourself to read it?

Allow comments Open to allow user comments.

Allow Duet and React Turn it on and allow users to collab with your video.

That means you go with a hot video, go on a collab, and people see you through that popular video, and that's a way to increase your exposure for free.

On the bottom row, on the left, is Save Draft, click Post Post.

(2) Duet

Highlighting the Duet.

Duet is Hopping, first go to someone else's video screen and click the forward button, the duet button will appear.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the video author agrees to have someone else do the collab when uploading the video, after which it goes to the shooting screen.
Clicking the red dot in the center starts the camera recording, and after the recording is complete, the other operations are similar to the steps for uploading videos.

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Duet is very powerful.

For one thing, you can rub off on the traffic of a pop-up video.

Typically, co-starring in someone else's breakout video gives you a boost in video plays.
The second is to test whether the cell phone Internet environment is safe.

When your uploaded video appears to have 0 plays, you can find a pop-up video to collab with, and if it still has 0 plays, it means that the phone's internet environment is not safe.

Uploading a video with a green screen is also a good way to test the environment.

(3) Introduction to Functions

Click on the three give dots in the bottom right corner of your own video to see the numerous features of the account.

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Analytics: how the data for this video is performing.

Save video: Download this video with watermark.
Promote: i.e., the Shake Plus feature, which allows you to spend money on the promotion of that video.

Use the effect: If the video uses some special effect function, click this button to upload the video directly using the special effect.

Duet: Make a collab with that video, this feature will be used often.

Add to favorite: Add a favorite.

Privacy settings: Permission settings.

Live photo: Save as a picture.

Share as GIF: gif format sharing.

Delete: Delete the video.

Click on ANALYTICS (or you can just click on More Date in the bottom right corner of the video) to see data about the video.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)We click on Privacy settings to manage the permissions of the video, if you post a video that is not performing well or you don't want others to see it, you can access this feature to hide the video.

(4) Cautions

①The first few videos are extremely important
Especially if you have special circumstances such as being taken down in your first few videos, you can basically throw them away.

②Release Time
Publish videos based on peak intervals in the target area.

For example, if we do the US region, we can post videos based on their commute and evening hours.
Account data can also be analyzed to see peak fan activity periods.

It is best to publish half an hour in advance, because the video after the release of the system to review whether the violation, to achieve a cold start and other steps to arrive at the peak hours is to take some time.

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③Release interval

As a normal user, especially not real-time recording video release, cut a few videos need about 15 minutes, it is difficult to release a large number of videos in a short period of time, too frequent release of video looks less normal, will affect the account weight.

It's best to post the next video after the previous one has had a few hundred or so plays and a cold start has been achieved, without causing traffic jams.

④Number of releases

Each account can post about 250 or so videos per day.

TikTok officials would prefer to have more users engaged in video creation rather than skewing traffic toward all videos within an account.

⑤Use of popular music

Popular music carries its own traffic, especially music that's been particularly hot lately, and viewers will watch your videos longer and your account will be weighted higher.

As mentioned above, try to use the music that comes with TikTok. Unlike at home, music copyright protection is very strict abroad, and a lot of music that can be used at home is banned or prohibited for commercial use abroad.

⑥Use of popular tags

Popular hashtags also bring their own traffic, and we use popular music and popular hashtags for the purpose of rubbing off on music and hashtag traffic.

When posting a video adding tags it will show the hotter popular tags, challenge tags, etc.
You can also search for popular tags rising trend list in the search bar.

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(vii) Guiding the audience

Finishes, likes, comments, retweets, and watch lengths all relate to the weight of the video and the account.

We can use copywriting, stickers, special effects, emojis, etc. to guide viewers to watch the video and like, comment, and retweet it.

These playstyles that seem elementary to us still smell good on TikTok. ,

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⑧ Copywriting

Expressions should be colloquial, conform to local writing conventions, and ideally elicit comment, empathy, controversy, etc.

Lol = laughing out loud / lots of laughs LOL
WTF = what the f u c k equals "hang".
WTH = what the hell The more colloquial WTF, often used as a question "How could this happen?"
Omg = oh my God equivalent of "Oh my God!"

⑨ Timely response to comments

An account can respond to 150 comments a day, and a good new start would ideally use up those metrics.
Users will respond to your comments, which helps a lot in firing up the video.

⑩ Link Setting
Links to independent sites and e-commerce platforms can only be put on Bio, Copywriting and Video at the moment.

You can't put links in the comments section, they will be deleted or blocked.

Users inquiring about a product can be directed to the home page and click on a link to purchase it.

⑪Exploit video reissue

The first thing you do after a breakout video appears is to post another video to rub off on the traffic from the breakout video.

A pop-up video can be cooled down and released again, and it will still perform eye-catching, if not better than the original.

⑫ follow TikTok's community self-regulation convention.

Other people's turf other people say what they want and have to play by their rules.

Account weight

Knowing the account weights is the only way to know where to pit and which methods to drive traffic and run a better TikTok account.

1, the key indicators affecting the weight of the account

Based on the algorithm overview, we can draw preliminary conclusions about the 5 key metrics that influence account weighting.

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(1) Completion rate

The first three seconds of the opening are the most critical, users may only need 3 seconds to determine if they want to read on, if the opening drags too much, most users will leave.

Don't drag your feet at the beginning, cut through it quickly.

Copywriting, stickers, etc. can be used to guide users through the actions of liking, commenting, retweeting, or watching the finished video.
For example, write "Surprise at the end" in the video description and at the beginning and end of the video to increase the completion rate.

The video length should not be too long, unless the video content is of extremely high quality, 8-15 is more suitable.

(2) Comment rate

Set up interactive questions or bury slots in the video to guide users to leave comments and boost the number of comments.
Respond to users in a timely manner, distill the core point of the video, and guide more users to participate in the discussion to further increase the number of comments.

Like nationals, foreigners also like god comments, prepare god comments, after the video is sent out, use a small number to comment in the comment section, leading users to watch and discuss.

(3) Attention ratio

The relationship between the amount of fan growth and the amount of airplay, a pop video can bring hundreds of thousands of fans, the faster the fan growth, the higher the attention ratio.

This can be done by uploading a story in two is videos, burying the hook and directing users' attention.

(4) Liking and retweeting rates

Beginner level techniques can be guided by techniques such as stickers.

For the bandwagon number it is necessary that the use of the item's function effectively focuses on the user's pain points, slots, and concerns, which translates into natural likes and retweets.

2. Account weight categories and improvement methods

(1) Garbage number

Posting videos in a row for a week or posting about 20 videos are all about 100 plays.

All accounts are very important to perform in the early stage, this kind of account even if the latter is operated with great care, the probability is that the performance is not as good as expected.

Improvement method: change the content or restart the number. The practice of switching content, for example, if you have a goodies number account and you previously uploaded kitchen items, you can then upload goodies videos in the bathroom, outdoor, office, and other categories.
Test more video content, as long as it doesn't jump out of the account vertical.

(2) Low weight numbers

Posting videos in a row for a week or posting about 20 videos all for about 1000 plays.

Accounts that can enter the 1000 or so plays indicate that the network environment, the basic settings are very OK, just one explosive video to break through the tipping point.

Improvement method: content sub-direction testing of about 20 videos.

(3) Number to be exploded

Plays over 1k, commonly 3000-5000. indicates that the account's content is less problematic and popular with users.

Improvement methods: Continuously improve the quality of the video, using techniques such as rubbing the wrong way, leading to likes, comments, retweets, and so on.

(4) High weight numbers

Each video plays basically more than ten thousand, do this step into the master operation level.

Using hashtags is a great way to boost the exposure of TikTok videos.

Label Use

We all know that labels are important, but are you using them right?

This post talks about how to use TikTok hashtags, the most complete on the net, bar none.

- Why use labels
- Types of labels
- How to use labels correctly

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1、Why use labels?

There is no such thing as love without a reason.

At the end of posting a video will always agonize over how to use the tags, and after choosing the right ones, you have no idea what to do and wonder if you're using the right ones.

In short, there's just something about it that makes us feel less confident and dissatisfied.

(1) Tag your account, videos and get accurate recommendations

The main reason for adding hashtags is to cater to the TikTok algorithmic mechanism to get more exposure traffic to the videos.

TikTok is interactive algorithms, the user has his likes, dislikes, geography, gender and other tags, your account also has categories, geography, music, content tags, the more vertical the account TikTok pushes the more accurate the user.

Therefore we have to tag accounts, videos, algorithms will help us find the target group, and at the same time it's easier to get more views, followers and conversions because the content is in line with the preferences of the target group.

To make it simple, we all have the same preferences, so let's stay together.

(2) Tagging users to tap into potential fan base

A user who is interested in a certain topic or subject will search for that tag, and if your video uses that tag, there is a chance that your video will be clicked on and watched by him.

If you use the trending topics tag, your content can also be pulled into relevant Discovery pages, just to rub it in.

For example, if you have a TikTok video with eyeliner tutorial added, the video will be categorized under the eyeliner tutorial topic tab.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)Similarly, if you use hot trending hashtags, your videos will enjoy the traffic dividends of trending hashtags.

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(3) Access to labeled traffic pools

If you use the "eyeliner tutorial" tag on TikTok, your video will be included under that tag.

If a person searches for "eyeliner tutorial" on TikTok and wants to learn how to draw eyeliner, your video will appear on his search page, which will increase exposure.

(4) Create your own traffic pool

Just saw this title is not surprised, traffic pool recommendation mechanism is TikTok, we can also create traffic pool?

People should not think that brand labels are so high and mighty. Understanding from the bottom thinking, their labels are also just created to increase brand awareness, and that's all they are.

For example, the domestic brand Hanasizi went overseas via TikTok, and the brand label they used was #florasis, which was also created after the brand went overseas.

The video has #florasis tags all categorized under his theme tags, invariably creating a pool of brand exposure traffic exclusive to Hanasiko.

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2. Types of labels

Know your enemy and know yourself.

To use labels better you need to understand the types of labels.

There are 13 main categories.

Product LabelingSuch as #cloth, #shose, etc.

location tag.. To make the video more accurate for those who want to bring goods to the destination area, add location tags.

Holiday TagsSuch as #Valentine's Day, #April Fools ' Day, and so on.

Industry Tags#Agriculture, #finance, etc.

Daily Theme TagsSuch as #sunday, #Monday.

Adjective labels#cute, #funny.

acronym label#gf

Emoji TagsWhat? #!!!! #cuteness

Brand Tags#NIKE, #NBA

Topic Tags/Challenge tags group the two together and are essentially topical in nature. #Icebucketchallenge, #fliptheswitch.

Universal LabelingSuch as #fyp, #foryoupage, #viral, #TikTok, these tags are universal and can be applied to all videos, and the biggest role is to allow videos to reach more users.

Trend TagsTrending hashtag, the most popular, hot or fastest rising trend at the moment, when you don't know how to rub the traffic, refer to the trending hashtag is OK, it's right. Trending hashtag can be viewed in discover.

Niche labels#nailprices, #mite, #caesarean birth, these tags are less used, narrower in field, more targeted, more specialized, but for these very reasons, these tags have a more precise audience.

3、How to use the label?

There are five main areas

- Benchmarking against the best players
- Strategies for using tags for traffic videos
- Strategies for using hashtags in take-home videos
- Choice of number of labels
- Compliance with community rules

(1) Benchmarking good players

When your account isn't good enough, the best strategy is to learn and benchmark.

See how good players use tags and study them against each other in terms of number, range frequency, etc.

However, it is not recommended to study the head players, especially the blue V players, but to study the accounts of players with hundreds of thousands of followers. Why?

Because the natural flow of the head players is too excellent, some accounts with blue V are officially invited to join, all have platform flow support, the reference does not make any sense.

These traffic accounts, even if the label uses one or two, are backed up by fan counts and platform traffic, directly contributing to the video's completion of a cold launch and entry into the higher-level traffic pool.

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(2) Strategies for using tags for traffic videos

Running TikTok for a long time can feel like there are only a few hashtags used, which is not desirable because you've trapped yourself in the inherent hashtags, and you're not tapping into the potential fans of other hashtags.

For most TikTok players, TikTok videos are basically categorized into traffic videos and bandwagon videos, with traffic videos pursuing exposure, earning creator funds or increasing powder for TCM.

Bandwagon videos are looking for exposure and more precise traffic, that is, traffic from selling markets and regions.

If you don't know how to set up tags we'll apply the tag usage formula.

Account type targeting sign + outreach tags + popular tags = traffic video tags

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For example, in this video, the account's theme is drawing, and the copy is Draw with child, which fits TikTok's youthful market.

Tags used #draw, #emoji, #child three theme tags, and account category consistent, do not change at random.

#family #satisfy is part of the Extended tag, the video is about #family members drawing and making #satisfy.

Ended up using #funny and #music popular hashtags, both tapping into potential fans.

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(3) Strategies for using hashtags in take-home videos

TikTok has unlimited potential for global traffic, e-commerce bandwagon.

Therefore, it is still necessary to explain the strategy of using hashtags for bandwagon videos.

Account category target sign + bandwagon target area tag + descriptive tag + expansive tag = bandwagon video tag

See above for account categories, so there's no need to say more.

①Target area labeling

TikTok is global traffic, and it's critical that the traffic can be pinpointed to the bandwagon area.

For example, if you want to sell in the US and promote your products on TK, the nodes are selected for the US region, but accidentally most of your traffic goes to Africa.

Therefore, it is extremely critical to choose the region range label, I want to do the United States region, it is best to add #USA, #Amarican, or you can even use a more accurate #Portland, #newyork, etc..

This practice is to label the video, the TikTok system algorithm perceives what your purpose of posting the video is, where the audience area is, and the traffic is more accurate.

②Descriptive labels

Each region is highly recognizable by its own history, architecture, people, attractions, etc., and these terms carry strong regional references of their own.

For example, British people feel a stronger affinity when they see labels such as #queen, #BigBen, #Buckingham Palace, and #afternoon tea.

The United States is identified with labels such as #White House and #Sunset Boulevard.
In this way, the audience will stay longer in the video, the completion rate will be higher, the system will determine that the audience in the geographical area likes your video very much, it will continue to push to the region, and our purpose will be achieved.

③Expansive labeling

Expanded keywords focus on major regional events, festivals, and curiosities.

Why use this keyword, many people are puzzled, major events such as #Blackllivematter the United States of America's Black Lives Matter movement is a worldwide concern, added should not be useless is.

No, a major news event it has a cycle of dissemination.

For example, the black movement had a domestic spread for a while in the early days of its rise, and now it doesn't get much attention, but the US is a continual parade of marches, brawls, rallies, etc., and their attention to that label is higher than ours in both depth and breadth.

So we have to stay on top of the trending hashtags on TikTok, and we have to be sensitive to the news in our destination area.

(4) Selection of number of labels

The most common number of tags is 1-3, but because there are too few tags to tell specifics, they can't contain important information about the video.

As a rule of thumb, 5-8 labels is ideal.

It is recommended that the word count is not too high.

Captions for videos are limited to a maximum of 150 characters with copy and hashtags, while Instagram limits can be written to 2,200 characters.

It's clear from the word limit that TikTok wants creators to be more precise in describing their videos and adding precise tags, rather than just piling on indifferently.

What's for sure, though, is that you have too many words, the video gets obscured, and the experience deteriorates.

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(5) Compliance with community rules

TikTok's community rules make it clear that posting duplicate comments or content is not okay and will be penalized by the algorithm.
Therefore, do not use irrelevant or repetitive tags.
If you copy other people's copy, tags or use your own tags with the exact same content and order will affect the account weight.

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Realization of funds

For most TikTok players, the TikTok Creator Fund is a guaranteed income that allows us to solve the problem of food and clothing, and is also a good choice for baby moms to earn money for milk powder.

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Today we're going to talk about the TikTok Creator Fund, so you can easily grasp its origins, opening and policies.

- What is the Creators Fund?
- How to open TikTok Creation Fund
- How the Creative Fund calculates bonuses

1. What is the Creators Fund

On July 23, 2020, TikTok officially announced that it was investing $200 million in the U.S. for creator incentives.

On July 29, 2020, officials said the U.S. The fund will grow to $1 billion over the next three years.

In September 2020, the European region (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain) opened a creator fund with an expected investment of $300 million over the next three years.

The official line about the fund's purpose is as follows, "for people who dream of using their voices and creativity to ignite inspirational endeavors."

We're launching the TikTok Creator Fund to encourage those who dream of using their voices and creativity to spark inspirational careers. TikTok newsroom

The idea is to reward the creators of quality content, which in human terms means that in the countries where the fund is based, creators are paid, in real money, for uploading videos that get airtime.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Jerk Creators Fund?


- Low threshold. Anyone with training can get in and make their first buck.
- Stable. Can have a stable guaranteed income.

- There is a time limit and you can't do it for too long.
- As the number of players entering TikTok increases, the pool of creator funds decreases, and earnings decrease.
- Lower returns compared to e-commerce.

2、How to open the creator fund

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(1) Opening conditions

As shown above, the following conditions need to be met to open the TikTok Creator Fund:

- At least 10,000 followers
- At least 10,000 video views in the last 30 days
- 18 years of age or older
- Located in the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany or Italy
- Conforms to TikTok community guidelines

(2) Opening process

Enter the personal account backstage, click TikTok Creator Fund to enter the opening page, when your account meets the opening conditions, in front of the opening conditions will be presented with a tick, click to select agree to the terms and conditions, you can apply.

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Confirm that you are 18 years old.

Use Google Chrome when operating, other browsers will be slow to buffer or unable to jump. This place will let you fill in the date of birth, date of birth, e-mail address, region, etc. The date of birth and region are the same as the ID information to be withdrawn.

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In the Document type field you have to choose how the information will be verified, there are three options available: ID card, driver's license and passport. The passport has the highest pass rate, followed by driver's license and ID card.

If you don't have a passport, just choose a mainland ID card.

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Upload the front and back of your ID card, either by photo upload or cell phone album upload.

When you take a picture to upload your cell phone do not take a picture of your ID card on the computer screen, it is difficult to pass the audit.

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After the photo is uploaded go to the backend of your TikTok account to set up your tax information.

Tax information selects either the United States or five European countries based on the account's location and selects the corresponding currency accordingly.

With this, the TikTok Creator Fund application is complete.

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(3) Analysis of opening difficulties

Fund opening does not go through because of various reasons such as nodes, account settings, age, etc.

I can't apply even though I've got 10,000 fans.

● Account does not have a creator account

Creator funds must be opened for a creator account to apply, opening a business account is not possible.

Some accounts TikTok official will tell you through the inbox has met the conditions to open the creator fund, but generally is to reach 10,000 powder should remember to open the creator fund.

● In 30 days of flow restriction

There are three main reasons for this

Video violations were taken down, such as convicted of heavy or content with bloody violence racial discrimination, etc., the situation generally wait 30 days before applying.

:: Data not updated

For example, your fans just full 10,000 powder to apply, then TikTok backstage has not yet updated your account data caused by the inability to apply, wait two days will be fine.

● Age not adopted

So it is said that when you open a TikTok account you have to confirm your identity information for withdrawals and all the information should be consistent. If you are young and not approved, you can take the initiative to report your age to the TikTok officials in error and hopefully correct your age.

settings and privacy>Report a problem>Account and profile>Profile Page>Other>Need more help

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In the dialog box that appears tell the official that I love using TikTok but would like to make a change because I filled out the wrong identifying information when I opened my account.

Anyway, it's just blowing off a wave of I love TikTok and TikTok you have to love me back love.

Within a day or two the official will reply to you in the inbox, you can upload your ID in the reply email and it will complete the age change.

I was responding the same day, so I guess TikTok customer service was in a better mood that day.

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②Fund opening failure

There are four main reasons for this:

● Data latency

If the account fans skyrocketed, TikTok background data is not updated in time, 24 hours to apply again.

:: Technical reasons

Even if all the conditions of your account to meet the application conditions, but still can not apply, two solutions, one is to wait a day or two, the second is to take the initiative to the TikTok official backstage to explain the situation, the steps are similar to the steps to change the age of the application, and then apply again in 24 hours.

:: Positioning reasons

Usually it is because the node is unstable causing the account positioning to jump to other areas. This situation can not be prevented, so be sure to protect your account, close TikTok and turn off WiFi when not in use.
If the following situation occurs (inability to apply because of the region), try again after a month, but it is usually not possible to apply again.

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:: Age-related

A common reason for this is usually that the year of birth is filled in incorrectly or the uploaded documents are not clear enough.

3. How to calculate the Fund's income

There are four main factors that affect fund revenues:

(1) The strength of the fund varies from country to country, with the U.S. having the highest awards.

(2) Airplay only counts for you traffic, not fan or profile airplay.

(3) Only the broadcast volume of countries with funds are counted in the for you traffic, for example, Japan, Korea and Russia have no funds in their for you.

(4) Likes have a small impact, comments are almost negligible.
You don't really need to get too hung up on this, just dislike the video plays and you'll be OK.

Above is to jack the basic situation of the creator fund, but shall not re-emphasize the importance of the scientific Internet environment, engage in a half day because of the Internet environment problems lead to can't open the creator fund, it will not be worth the loss.

Celebrity Realization

If your TikTok account reaches 100,000 fans, it has reached the standard of becoming a "Netflix" account, and you can cash in through the TikTok Creator Marketplace by taking on advertisements from brands.

Next, let's talk about how to create a marketing TikTok Netflix account.

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1. What is the TikTok Creators Market?

Click to go straight to the TikTok Creation Market

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The English name of the creator marketplace is called TikTok Creator Marketplace, which is benchmarked against the domestic Jieyin's Xingtu.

An official collaboration platform developed by TikTok itself to connect brands and creators, with relevant data linked only to TikTok's own ecosystem.

Brands can find Netflix for marketing here, and TikTok Netflix can work with brands on paid campaigns with the help of the TikTok Creator Marketplace.

The platform is still free and open, without charging advertisers for the use of TCM royalties, and it also provides comprehensive and accurate first-hand data, tools for brands and netizens.

(1) Reliable data

The platform's data is provided and maintained directly by TikTok, and it can show Netflixgate's account data and analytics in a timely manner to help us make decisions.

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(2) Analytical precision

You can use the Activity Reporting Tool to learn about Netflix Gate's account activity, such as total number of videos, fees, etc.

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(3) Search function

TCM has a powerful search function that allows us to search for webcams based on specific data metrics.

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(4) Direct contact

Creators can be contacted directly through TCM. Collaborations are initiated with any identified creator through simple communication tools within the platform.

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2、Registration process

When a TikTok individual's personal account reaches a certain standard, TikTok officials will invite you to become a member of the TikTok creator marketplace, that is, to become a Netflix account.

(1) Application Requirements

- 18 years old and above
- Over 100,000 fans
- Upload at least 3 videos within 28 days
- 100,000 likes in 28 days

(2) Open registration process

Similar to opening a creator fund, after exceeding 100,000 fans, TikTok officials will notify you via inbox that you can participate in the creator marketplace.

However, many people do not receive that message, and this is where we can also take the initiative to explain to the TikTok officials that the account has met the conditions for opening and request that it be opened.

The unsolicited application process is similar to the steps for unsolicited correction of age information.

As shown in the picture below, directly send a message to the TikTok official to explain your account situation and request to be given an opening.

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If the official TikTok reply is fast, the TikTok creator marketplace button will appear in the backend of your personal account on the same day, as shown below.

Click to agree to the Privacy Policy and start filling out your personal information.

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On the Personal Information page, there are two screens, Opportunities and Dashboard.

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First fill in the Account information.

Intro: mainly to show the brand the basic situation and advantages of your account, such as when to open the account, what theme category, fans, what you can provide advertising, what advantages, etc..

Rate: Set your advertisement cost, customize the price, I set it at $1000. The following picture, if you open The price is negotiable, it means that brands are allowed to negotiate the price.

Free products accepted as payment means you can choose products to be paid as payment.

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Bussiness phone, Bussiness email and Social media columns should be filled in completely, so that the brand can feel your professionalism and easy to contact, especially Bussiness email.

Pause new requests: You can turn on the stop taking orders function if you don't want to take orders anymore.

After filling out your personal account information, now take a look at the Dashboard interface.

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Pengding: The brand is in the process of negotiating with you for marketing and promotional costs.

Active: an ongoing marketing promotion program.

Conpleted: a completed project.

Inactive: canceled items.

Creator account info: same function as account above.

Achievement badges: TikTok will officially give your account some medals, equivalent to the official certification, five-star reviews, which can help you to improve the level of trust!

3、Operation process

When your account receives a promotional offer from a brand, you can choose to take the order or decline it.

If you take the order, you need to create the video according to the brand's requirements, and after the video creation is completed, you need to submit it to the brand for review and approval first.

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You can upload your video once the brand agrees to your video content.

When you upload your promotional video, click on Branded content, select the brand you want to promote and you're OK with your promotional dollars.

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It's easy to have an account with 100,000 fans, and it's not hard to receive orders if your advertising rates aren't too high, and it's even easier to simply promote music.

The difficulty lies in video creation.

Cross-border merchants are well aware of how horrible the filming costs are for branded stores that have foreign models filming their product promotion videos.

If you're doing Netflix to take orders, you have to figure out in your account positioning what to do with the orders if they come in, and you have to make the brand happy.

Save for a rainy day!

Fund reflection

Applied for the creator fund, open the creator market is to jack the fund, earn dollars, these dollars will be stored in the TikTok account, withdraw to the domestic bank card there are some procedures need to operate.

TikTok domestic players' fund withdrawals are mainly through PayPal withdrawals, we will talk about the seven processes of TikTok withdrawals through paypal.

- Register for a PayPal account
- TikTok account tied to PayPal
- TikTok Tax Information Registration
- TikTok Fund Withdrawal to PayPal
- MilesHub Registration Process
- PayPal transfer to Miles WorldFirst
- Miles transfer to domestic bank cards

1、Register for a PayPal account

Go to PayPal's official website and select Personal Account for the registration type.

Click to go directly to PayPal's official website

Enter your cell phone number and check the verification code, the process is relatively simple

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)Fill in your personal information according to the actual situation, and your personal information should be the same as the identity information of your real name in TikTok.
Once the information is filled out, the registration is complete, and you can use PayPal by logging into your email for verification.

2、TikTok account binding PayPal process

Go to the backend of your TikTok account.

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You need to authenticate your email again after selecting the withdrawal method.

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After the email confirmation is completed and you click on the withdrawal method again, the Add Withdrawal Method screen will appear.

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Select PayPal, agree to the terms, and choose to link the PayPal account.

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Login to your PayPal account by entering your PayPal email address and you're done.

Go to the backend of your account, select the withdrawal method, and it's already bound successfully.

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3. TikTok tax information registration

Before TikTok withdrawals can be made to PayPal, tax information needs to be added, i.e., the W9 form that is rumored on the web.
First select Tax information and fill in your personal information as required.

Personal information must match the personal information tied to your TikTok account and be filled out in English, and select Continue when finished.
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At this page, one needs to fill in one's U.S. tax form.

On the left and right are the top and bottom parts of the page after the jump, and in the center is the page opened by Fake Address Generator, a U.S. resident address generator.

Start by logging into the U.S. Resident Address Generator web site:  Sign up for an account and select a tax region based on your TikTok account region.

The left and right pages are simply filled out one by one based on that tax information.

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After the information is filled out, the system will let you confirm the information filled out, you can modify the information, to determine the information
Select Confirm when there are no errors.

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By this point, the information is all filled out and after selecting Submit, the W9 form is successfully bound.

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4, TikTok fund withdrawals to PayPal account

Old steps, enter BALANCE, INCOME.

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After entering the email verification code, click OK to withdraw the money directly.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)Once you access the TikTok account balance again it is, the balance has been reduced.

Log in to your PayPal account and the funds have been withdrawn.

Would it be too easy.

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5、WorldFirst Registration Process

Before operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the following matters:

- Log in to the old MilesHub site to register for an account.

There is a new version and an old version for registering a MilesHub account. Transferring money from an account registered on the new homepage to a domestic bank account requires the provision of e-commerce transaction vouchers and other documents, while the old version does not.

Older address:

- Once you have registered, you can login by searching for the MilesHub page on the web.
- Operate with google search engine, system compatibility, no F wall.
- Apply for a bank account transfer in Hong Kong, 0 commission, 2% exchange rate difference ($35 commission for withdrawing to a US dollar account)
- HKD Miles transfer to domestic account 0.3% handling fee.
- The minimum cash withdrawal for Miles is $50.

Log in to the old MilesHub web site:

Select personal account, store business scope randomly choose one, other information according to the actual fill in.
Note: MilesHub's identifying information should be the same as TikTok's and PayPal's identifying information.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)After the account is created successfully, select upload data and then it will jump to the login page, select login

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After logging in, you need to fill out your personal data completely, save it, and then start the verification of your cell phone number.30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)Once the cell phone verification was complete you were taken to the home page of your MilesHub account and began to upload your ID information.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)After the identity information is uploaded, start to apply for a Hong Kong currency account.

Click on Currency Accounts and select Apply for a Currency Account.

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Remember, choose a currency account in the Hong Kong area with low fees.

Of course, feel free to be dirt poor.

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After applying your currency account is opened successfully, this page is still available.

The following information is required for paypa withdrawals to a Miles account.

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6、PayPal transfer to Miles WorldFirst

Login to your PayPal account first and select Transfer to withdraw to your bank account.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)Select Associated Bank Accounts to associate a bank account in the United States or Hong Kong SAR, China, followed by Hong Kong SAR, China.

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Okay, here's the kicker.

At this point, it is necessary to fill in the new information related to the Miles Hong Kong account, account information to select the checking, and complete the associated account.

The system will show that withdrawals will take 3-6 business days.

Select the next page to complete the PayPal to Miles withdrawal

Transferring money from Miles to a domestic account is as simple as it gets, so I won't go into that again.30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)

common problems

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What's the biggest pain point of playing TikTok?

It's not about slow uptake and low playback, it's about black screens, 0 playback, low playback, limited streaming, dead numbers, etc. Sometimes I really want to let myself go to the dark room instead of my TikTok account.

1. Video 0cast

Doing TikTok is a battle of minds, especially for newbies. So when you run into 0casting issues relax for a moment, that's how we all feel our way out.

(1) Analysis of causes

① Network environment issues

Problems with phone settings, vv pollution, etc. can cause 0casting, which is the most common.

At the same time, is your hand speed is too fast, vv just clicked to open TikTok software, this is to open the "fake" vv, because vv software is not yet buffered. If you slow down your hand speed, it's OK, but this is a problem that many people don't care about.

② Video content issues

Whether it violates the TikTok community self-regulation convention (machine manipulation, swiping, pornography, violence, etc.)

Are consistently posting low quality videos. (The video resolution is so poor that it is blurry and full of pixelated dots.)

Whether it violates the music copyright. (Foreigners are extremely protective of copyrights, and the music played in small domestic videos is copyrighted on TikTok)

Video ruled BY or complaint

Review delay issues. (Occasionally there are delays in updating video data, usually within 6 hours, more than 12 hours is problematic.)

(2) Cracking methods

①Let the bullets fly for a while

Yes, it's just waiting a while, sitting around with a cup of coffee. How long is the wait? No more than 12 hours.

②Check the network environment

Check your own IP:、、
After the environment tests OK, it's OK to re-download and log in to TikTok.

What if I can't find a problem with my network environment?

Good idea to keep the "brush" with you!!!!

③ Improvement of video quality

At present, most of the domestic players are in the stage of BY video, improve the quality of the video from three aspects.
Benchmark against head players. Learn how people play and develop a sense of the net.

Deep editing of quality videos. Finding new, quirky, eye-catching, clear, high-quality videos and editing them in depth is an essential skill for playing TikTok.

Try to use music provided by the TikTok platform to avoid copyright infringement.

2、Limit flow

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Restricted flow can be seen as an upgraded version of 0cast, and the first thing that seeing restricted flow gives you is the feeling of how my child is not growing lately.

(1) Four main features of current limiting

① three consecutive days of 0 broadcast; ② video playback is less than 1% of the amount of fans; ③ video data has no for you traffic or very little; ④ continue to drop fans;

(2) Cause analysis and cracking methods

The cause of the flow limitation is the same as 0cast. There are a few more points to note though:

① System not pushed. Your video is only pushed to your fans by the system due to quality and other issues.

② Multi-account login. Right, one machine one is the basic requirement to protect the account, multi-account login is not undesirable, of course, if you are violent diversion and matrix number and other play exceptions.

③ Open the creator fund. When TikTok first opened the creator fund, many head netizens reflected that after the opening of the creator fund, the traffic was limited, and then they all chose to close it.

④Rising your powder too fast. It is also a fault that you are too good!!!! Usually around 500,000 fans the system will set a stream limit. You can only choose to continuously output high-quality videos.

There are 2 points of experience for you to consider

① The normal time for an account to lift the flow restriction is 10 to 15 days (based on operational experience, there is no exact basis).

② Just started the number or less fans on the 0 broadcast, the video was taken down, etc. Do not even think about it, throw this account, obediently brush, re-register the account.

Remember this and let the brush be with you always!!!!

3. Undercasting

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)If it's a week in a row, or if you post 10-20 videos, they are all around 100 or lower plays.
What to do? Differentiate.

Lowcasting indicates that your account has been downgraded.

For newer accounts and accounts with fewer followers, consider selling or getting rid of them.

There are three ways to cope with a number with more fans:

(1) Choosing to change content without changing categories

Many people will be surprised to see the change in content, I thought it was said that you have to be category vertical to make an account.

Low broadcasting indicates that the first wave of people who see your video are not interested in it, causing your video to fail to break through the first traffic pool, which is when you have to figure out how to test new content for viewers to enjoy.

TikTok account categories must be vertical, but the specifics can be broken down. For example, if your account is about selling hand puppets, you can upload all categories of hand puppets or just the vertical category of DC heroes.

(2) Re-posting pop-up videos

The pop-up video will still get traffic if you post it again, and even show the Roots, rubbing yourself the wrong way and firing up the account.

(3) Hopping to Scrub Traffic

The goal is to drive account traffic through hot videos.

4、Black screen, no network, can't login

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)Note to note, important thing to say three times, close your TikTok account as soon as the black screen appears!!!!

(1) Analysis of causes

The root cause is the network environment, the vast majority of problems with playing TikTok are caused by the network environment, and account blocking is an extremely rare case.

The other reason is that your hands are too fast. Open wifi, open the node, open TikTok, because the node software is not yet a secure connection, open the TikTok caused by the network environment, commonly known as "open the false vv".

(2) Cracking methods

①Let the bullets fly for a while

Go get a cup of coffee and wait a while before turning it on. Node instability and even WiFi instability are all influencing factors.

②Uninstall and reinstall TikTok

Just uninstall TikTok and clear your cache and reinstall. Of course, my habit is to swipe.

(iii) Switching nodes

Don't change nodes randomly. It's also a no-no to switch nodes too often when raising a number like a real person.

④Insert overseas card

It is recommended to insert a physical SIM card, provided that you make sure that the carrier that issued the card is US-based (there are carriers for older US cell phone cards that are not US-based), and that the SIM card is not registered to TikTok.
The advantage is that you don't have to configure the network. The disadvantage is that the package charges are more expensive than a purchased VV, with a minimum of roughly $16 a month.

5. Dead numbers

It's just a blocked account.

30,000 words long article! TikTok practical guide, newbie into TikTok must see! (II)When this happens, congratulations on winning the lottery, and it's a jackpot. The probability of being banned is still very low at this point.

Two points to note:

(1) Let's keep brushing with TikTok. If you have a network problem, just swipe, it takes a lot less time to swipe than it does to find the cause.

Mind to lie flat, the above questions are playingTikTok Frequently Asked QuestionsWe have to defy the enemy tactically. There are always more ways than there are difficulties.

(2) know how to make trade-offs. Some accounts do not operate to shed, after all, now the cost of time is the most valuable.

Common Tools

 TikTok Official Website

(1) TikTok account web login site

(2) TikTok Information Network

You can find out the latest information about the official TikTok news.

(3) The official TikTok platform, where advertisers and darens create accounts and enter into partnerships on the network. Advertisers can choose the best Darlings to work with based on data such as fan profiles, growth trends, and best-performing videos.

(4) TikTok ad placement platforms

(5) TikTok Developer Platform

(6) TikTok public service website

(7) TikTok Shop

music library

European, American and global pop music charts: 

Uncopyrighted music on Spotify :.
Premiumbeat's copyright free music library:


All copyright-free music, be original never have to worry about your TikTok video being taken down or silenced due to copyright infringement.

3. Domestic data analysis website
Shake Cha Cha:
Short Fishers:
Flying Melon Data:

4. Foreign data analysis websites

(1) Tik Analytics
is a free tool that analyzes profiles, hashtags and trends. Simply enter the username of the TikTok user you want to analyze, and you'll get a wealth of information such as engagement rates, videos uploaded, total number of followers, total likes, and more.

(2) Analisa
Analisa allows to view likes, comments, shares and engagement, average likes and comments per post, most used subject tags, most used title words, hashtags and more.

There is a fee if you view the labeling situation.

丨If not stated, all are original丨This website usesBY-NC-SAProtocol for licensing
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  1. Thanks a lot for selflessly sharing, boss can you still do medium videos now?
    jieay2024-01-14 00:09 Reply
    • TikTok, 11
      Yes, you can, but be careful with the video quality or the privileges may be withdrawn!
      TikTok, 112024-01-14 16:10 Reply
  2. Can you tell me about restarting the number, do I delete the app and reinstall it or restore the phone, or do I have to brick it?
    Lobu2024-03-22 11:00 Reply