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TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

Tik Tok TK11 2 years ago (2023-05-08) 1787 views Included 0 Comments Scan the QR code


Create Developer Store Process

The following is a list of products that are usedshopify partnerTo carry out the process of imitation station construction:

[su_content_slider pages="yes" autoplay="0″ class=".su-content-slider { cursor: grab; cursor: -webkit-grab; } cursor: -webkit-grab; } .su-content-slider:active { cursor: grabbing; cursor: -webkit-grabbing; }"] [su_content_slider effect= "goDown" autoplay="0″ style="dark" pages="yes"] [ su_content_slide]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed[su_box title="First Steps" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]Sign up for the After shopify partner, click on create dev store [/su_box][/su_content_slide] [su_content_slide]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed[su_box title="Step 2" box_color="#FF0000″ title_color="#393939″]The information here can be filled in casually, this is a test store, of course, if you intend to later convert it into a formal store can be filled out carefully" [/su_box][/su_content_slide] [su_content_slide]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed[su_box title="Step 3" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]click "Create" and you'll be taken to the backend of the test store. Don't worry, it's the same backend as the official store with some more features, so you can familiarize yourself with the backend of the official Shoipify store [/su_box].[/su_content_slide] [su_content_slide]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed[su_box title="Step 4" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]If your interface is in English, English is not very good friends can change the language to Simplified Chinese in the background, this is only to change the language of the background. The language of the front-end store has no effect [/su_box].[/su_content_slide][/su_box][/su_content_slider]

Above are the steps to create a development store.

Introduction to Shopify store settings

Here are some settings and options for the store backend, the lower left corner of the "Settings" option contains all the settings of the Shopify store backend, some of these settings are more important, the next will introduce these important settings, the content of these formal shopify store operation is also connected.

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

[su_content_slider pages="yes" autoplay="0″ class=".su-content-slider { cursor: grab; cursor: -webkit-grab; }"]] cursor: -webkit-grab; } .su-content-slider:active { cursor: grabbing; cursor: -webkit-grabbing; }"]

[su_content_slider effect="goDown" autoplay="0″ style="dark" pages= "yes"] [su_content_slide][su_box title="I. Store Name" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailedThe "store name" needs to be your own, it does not necessarily appear in front of the consumer, this is mainly for your own identification of the store[/su_box][/su_content_slide]


[su_content_slide][su_box title="II, Store Contact Email and From Email" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color = "#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

Store contact email and sender email are recommended to leave your own common email address. They can be the same email address, or different. Store contact" is Shopify sometimes will send you some important notifications, these important notifications will be sent to this email address, such as what Shopify store is blocked, frozen, or you have some infringing products, you must take down within 3 days and so on, similar emails will be sent to this email address.

"Sender Email"What happens is that Shopify itself will have an email system that will have automated marketing emails sent to your consumers, and then those emails will go out to the sender email address. And the customer's response will go back to this email address 

So these two need to leave a common email address to avoid missing important information[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

 [su_content_slide][su_box title="III. Billing Information" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

The third is "billing information" this has been determined when we registered in front of the selected store registered in the United States, then the billing information address here by default is the United States, of course, this can be changed at will, but also need to note that changes to this billing address changes Shopify will also default to your store registration changes. If you want your store is the United States, then this side to change the United States, you want to be China to change the Chinese.

Of course, there are some Shopify features that are only open to certain countries, like Shopify payment, but in some countries, it is not open, for example, if you choose China, Shopify payment will not work.

And then including this semi-closed loop plugin behind TikTok, this semi-closed loop plugin you are going to have to be in the United States for it to install successfully. So altering this business address needs attention as well[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

 [su_content_slide][su_box title="IV. Time zones and units of measure" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"Time zone and unit of measurement" is also a point to pay attention to, it is recommended that you choose the local time of the target country, because later we may be involved in the investment flow, is to invest in advertising, advertising when in fact you need to look at your production ratio, production analysis of many also related to time, so this time generally recommended advertising account So this time it is generally recommended that the advertising account be adjusted to the same time as the store, and it is your main target country, so that the analysis of some data, especially when it is related to the time and date will be more accurate, otherwise it will be very difficult to encounter the time of turning point.

So if you do the United States, it is recommended to go directly to the United States, with your advertising account set up the same, the following is the default unit corresponding to these, the United States is the imperial system pounds[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

 [su_content_slide][su_box title="V. Order ID Format" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

The next step is the order id format, you can define your order id format by modifying the prefix and adding the suffix.

Here by the way a little trick, you can use this technique to analyze the peer's independent station in the end how many single, of course, is not necessarily accurate, in fact, there is no real accurate plug-in to monitor each independent station orders in the end how much, this technique is also sometimes can sometimes not, is that you can come to his site today to place a single, and then tomorrow at the same time or every other time to go to his site again Because of this suffix it is automatically cumulative reason, for example, 1001, 1002. So you can guess how many orders it has on an average day by the change of this number, which is a trick, but of course the specifications of this ID you can set yourself. [/su_box][/su_content_slide]

 [su_content_slide][su_box title="VI. Collections" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

This is the payment tab settings, payment this piece is very important, need to pay attention to, here to receive normal words is a paypal on good, of course, the best can also add a credit card channel on good.

Here we need to remind, Shopify official payment channel called Shopify payments, is the box out of the above chart, you better not point, it requires some qualifications, must be a U.S. company or Hong Kong company certification, Chinese sellers to the certification is likely to be stuck, although it is indeed very useful, especially when doing the collection of European regions, if there are conditions If you have the conditions, you can apply.[/su_box][/su_content_slide]


[su_content_slide][su_box title="VII. Checkout" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

There are a lot of options in "checkout", which involves the user to fill in the information when they come to buy something from you and which to fill in and which not.

Now with the new Shopify version, there is something called Allow Customer Self Refund, which means that the customer doesn't need to go through your consent, it can do the refund itself. ThisMy personal advice is not to open. Not open, many customers he feels the trouble he will not return, and then if he really must return, he will find you through a variety of mailboxes including SMS, this time you can also bargain with him. There is a template, the webmaster will share out later, is really allowed to refund customers we will not be so quick, generally we will say ok no problem, I allow you to return, but you have to pay the shipping costs, may be this shipping costs sent back to China than you originally bought something more expensive. Then can we say for example, we negotiate a little compromise, I give you to make up a 6 U.S. dollars or how, or other. Of course, this is an after-sales issue, so it is recommended that self-help refunds can be opened without.[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="VIII. Shipping and Delivery" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"Shipping and delivery" shipping this is actually quite complex, you can set a lot of policies, such as package shipping or how much more than package shipping, and then or some countries package shipping, some countries will have to charge extra freight. There are some products, for example, its logistics costs are relatively high, for example, like some with electricity, with magnetic tape liquid, the conventional logistics can not go, to take special cargo channels, it must cost more. So in fact, this in the shipping here, if you are a multi-category station, and then want to refine the operation, here is actually a lot to set things[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="IX. Taxes and duties" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

Many friends may be tangled in this "taxes and duties" because this so-called taxes vary greatly from place to place, and at present, the wordsDoing AmericaThe easiest thing is to just tell him that the tax is included in the price, so don't bother with how much the tax is and so on. Because honestly shopify most of the independent site, it does not really go to verify all aspects of your business information, just tell you to pay taxes according to the law, but this is not very strict to require. Even if you follow up in the United States when you choose some sales tax-free week, that part will also be friendly a lot better, so this is directly check the "tax included in the price" on the ah.TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed


[su_content_slide][su_box title="Ten. Location" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"Location" this location is actually your default shipping location, this if the follow-up you do is the Chinese site, you choose China, this will be filled out truthfully on it. Here the webmaster choose the United States[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="Eleven, Market" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color= "#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"If you want to add other markets, you need to customize them, such as language, currency, units, etc. This marketplace feature can help us quickly set up marketplace sites for multiple countries.
So there are two things to do on this page, the first thing is to add the recommended markets, add the corresponding markets, for example, add some of our common ones, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and so on.
TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

Then if you want to add some more special countries, you can also add them. After adding them, your standalone site will have better adaptability to these countries, such as supporting its currency and language.

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed


[su_content_slide][su_box title="XII. Applications and Sales Channels" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

There is also a very important thing in "applications and sales channels", "applications" in fact, we generally call it Shopify plug-ins, Shopify why people want to choose it? A very important reason is that it has an Apple-like application marketplace, on which there will be a lot of auxiliary tools - applications (or called plug-ins), to give us on a free site basis to improve the functionality of the special. Want to install new plugins.Click on the Shopify App Marketplace to searchFor plug-ins.

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

It should be stressed that the more plug-ins you install, the better, because each plug-in adds some new functions to your website, but the more you install, the more functions your website calls when visitors visit, and your website will be slower and slower, so it is not the better. If you install the trial feel that the plug-in does not work, please remember to delete the first time.

Here the webmaster will also recommend a few good Shopify plug-ins to you::

  • Plugin Installation One Review Product Reviews
  • Unsourced One-Click Shipping:DSers-AliexpressDropshipping (oberlo predecessor)
  • TikTok:Get a semi-closed loop U.S. store before you need

These plug-ins are quite useful, you can search in the plug-in market to install, the first plug-in Product Reviews is a review plug-in, independent site, trust is very important, right? So after the user comes in, if he can see a lot of reviews, these reviews may be natural or your own do not matter, at least to a certain extent he is willing to order. This is the same at home and abroad, we all like to read reviews, and if you do Amazon, you certainly know that in fact, Europe and the United States people do not like to leave reviews, and the platform does not allow you to lock reviews (at least on the official level) so in the long run to develop a North American habit, that is, he will go to see the reviews, reviews are generally bad reviews, so he will go to see if the bad reviews have some special The bad reviews are not good, to discourage him from impulsive consumption.
So in terms of independent sites, we may have to reverse to do a bunch of good reviews, do a bunch of good reviews out of the customer willing to order, so the review plug-in is generally recommended to install a free one. So here we recommend this free Product Reviews

The second, no source one DSers-AliexpressDropshipping , no source plug-ins, no source plug-ins in the next chapter I will come to focus on this thing, this plug-in previously had a name called shopping, one piece of hair or called no source previously had a very famous plug-in called overall but then has been merged, this It seems that behind the shares of Shopify, it is directly replaced by DSers-AliexpressDropshipping, this is a brand new, but also one of the strongest no-member one-click generation of tools. If you want to use the no-membership one-click generation, then this software is not around the

The third, TikTok, this tutorial is part of the U.S. semi-closed loop independent site tutorial naturally can not be separated from TikTok, this is the official plug-in TikTok and Shopify cooperation. It's default function is just to say that when it comes to advertising, it can go to track some of the data to our independent site, to give feedback to its advertising system, so as to better optimize our advertising. This is such a role, the United States semi-closed loop actually used an advanced function of this plug-in, installed this software has a prerequisite, is your store address, the store address in China is not possible, so you must be in the United States.[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="XIII. Domain" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color="#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"domain name" here need to pay attention to two points, the first is not to buy a domain name in Shopify, the first is very expensive, the second it may be sealed after the problem, so it is recommended that you go off-site to buy, and then in Shopify to connect the existing domain name, and then you enter the domain name you bought, the final results of these two programs The results are the same, and there is no difference, so you do not have to worry about not buying a domain name here in Shopify will appear inaccessible, off-site to buy a domain name, the webmaster here recommended to go to the internationally renowned domain namesilo, buy that is, the price is fair, support Alipay.

namesilo direct to the official website

The way to buy a domain name I am inTikTok batch starting number!This article has spoken in detail, the domain name is very useful, not only can be used to bind Shopify with a second domain name, but also can be used to do enterprise mailboxes for TikTok batch starting number, after the purchase of off-site domain name, click on the link existing domain name, follow its prompts to return to the domain name provider domain name resolution to add an A record and CNAME record on it, in fact, very simple.TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed[/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="Customer Events and Branding" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color= "#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

The "customer event" is related to installing some tracking code as mentioned above, which I'll talk about on the ad placement side. I'll also have a tutorial on TikTok ad placement later on. The "Branding" here is actually changed to a different position, that is, you can go to upload some of the site's logo, and then some of the main color scheme and so on. Generally we are used to change it on the template side [/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="Customer Data and Notifications" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color= "#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"Notifications" and "Customer Data" are generally not needed to be changed, the defaults are fine[/su_box].

[su_content_slide][su_box title="Language" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color= "#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

The "language" is not the language displayed in your backend, but the language displayed in the front-end of your website when customers visit it. Generally speaking, you just need to install the free plugin recommended by Shopify. [/su_box][/su_content_slide]

[su_content_slide][su_box title="Policy" box_color="#8ff2ff" title_color= "#393939″]

TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

"Policy" policy is to do in Europe and the United States website, if you are going to open a lot of payment channels, especially some credit card channels, payment channels of the risk control team will look at your site. It has to see whether there is selling imitation brand infringement, in addition to a requirement that your site must have some corresponding statement. This is the most typical statement on a few.

The first one is called refund policy, you must tell the consumer very clearly, if I do not want it, I can refund how, that is, you must have a refund instructions.

The second also has a statement, that is, a privacy statement, on my site will never violate your rights, will not steal your information privacy. Payment information, etc.

Then there is a terms of service, such as how many days after-sales free and so on and so on, of course, there are logistics terms, the logistics terms of how long I actually ship and so on. Then the following is the contact information, Shopify this in addition to the logistics terms according to your actual situation to fill in their own, the other Shopify has prepared a standard template, so this side of the rapid station, you can point directly from the template to replace the template (see above). [/su_box][/su_content_slide]


Well, because Shopify is a very important link in the semi-closed-loop small store, so the webmaster specifically out of this article to detail the usefulness of its store background settings, these are some basic settings, after the construction of a stand-alone station when there are some other settings will be described separately in the text, thank you for reading, this article ends here.TikTok U.S. semi-closed loop small store tutorial of Shopify store settings detailed

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