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TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

Tik Tok TK11 2 years ago (2023-06-23) 1851 views Included 0 Comments Scan the QR code

Hello, everyone, the webmaster today to share the content is tea talkShort VideoThe seven super of operation skillsTitleWriting skills.

What is a title?

First, let's clear up the endTitleWhat is it.TitleIn which place is it calledTitleWhat about? ActuallyShort VideoofTitle CopyTwo formats exist. We can take a look at the following diagram that

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

If you say that yourIt has text on itcase, then we call this textTitle. Because this is the first place the viewer will see, but also a very critical point, that we are aboveTitleThe bottom left corner of the video, we are not called the title, we are called the text area, or is called the introduction, in this place we can go to describe what we are this video, want to express things can be related to the elaboration in this place. Including what you want to interact with fans and so on, are in this place.

If you say you don't have a title above, then let's look at the right side of the image above, then we have the text area in the bottom left corner we call the title. There is a difference between the two.

What's the point of the title?

After understanding their points of difference, we need to understand what kind of title it actually has some role?

Think about it, when we go to a video, when we see the video has a title describing what it is about, we will stay to watch it. The biggest role of the title is to increase the audience retention rate, for example, many people will now use the title to attract others. For example, the headline system, especially good at the headline party this piece, also to improve the click rate, so that the title is very important.

If there is no title to attract the attention of others, we have to rely on the first 3 seconds of the video to attract. If I don't rely on the title, my video to attract others, first of all, the picture of my video should have enough impact and attraction. Secondly, others will see the text area in the bottom left corner of our video, he will understand the video. Understand what you want to express, whether he wants to comment, want to describe something, so that some cases can help us to complete the broadcast rate and interaction rate.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

In summary, the title is very important, today's words to share with you 7 kinds, you can take directly to use the title.

7 headline writing tips

I. Empathic empathy type

The first type of empathy and resonance. For example, for example, our domestic monk Yizen, he does a very good job in resonating with the common confidence. When fans see his title, you will feel that the title seems to speak to the deepest part of your heart, and you will be invariably led by him to watch his whole video. If what he said is particularly reasonable and fits your state of mind, we will also directly like it, collect it or forward it to my friends and family, as well as to his comments section to comment. This will give fans a great sense of empathy.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

Likewise if you want to do empathy, empathic behavior on TikTok, which is international, is also possible. But be careful, if you want to move the Chinese text directly over into a foreign text, in fact, you need to understand the local culture of the country. Otherwise the same text translated over, directly into English or Thai, Indonesian, etc.. In fact, our viewers may not be able to empathize with these, so this piece of the cultural requirements of everyone will be a little higher.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

II. Replying Comments

Understanding the first technique empathy empathy type, let's look at the second, called reply comment type.

This kind of title technique builds on the needs of fans, for example, a fan goes inside your comment section and asks you if this thing can help us show it again? How can we buy this thing? How much is it? Where to buy it and so on and so forth queries.

We must learn to reply with a new video when we encounter some comments like this, especially some high likes and very many follow up comments.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

For example, in this picture above, it shows a fan asking a question in the previous video: Can you show us the whole car? TikTok has such a video reply function, and it will automatically put some relevant watermark on this video. Who asked the question and what kind of question was asked. The title will take the question asked by the fan.

In this way it is actually possible to make the fan feel that he is respected, enhancing the trust and stickiness. If you say I am really interested in this product of yours and the price is not very expensive, there is a high probability that a fan will make a purchase attempt, which can also increase the purchase rate.

III. Product function introduction type

Well, after understanding the reply comment area, let's look at the third, that is, our product function introduction type. This is for the sellers who simply want to do the goods above friends, if we do not want to do a lot of interaction, only want to describe our products, especially some products are very professional, you do not describe the product viewers have no way to understand the situation, then you can make good use of our lower left corner of the title of this place.

To describe what you do with this product, what kind of effect can be achieved, what kind of a convenience can be brought to people, the results to show, to describe to them, which can improve the interaction of our fans. As well as if there is a demand for the case, the viewer may go directly to buy. So the title describes the product function and role is also a very good choice.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

IV. Problem solving type

The fourth is our problem-solving type. For example, we want to go to make recommendations, seeding products, you can directly in my title for the description, this product can make your car more convenient, this product can protect you from a what. To express this product is able to achieve a problem-solving effect.

Especially like a lot of domestic sharing skills, with this I can let you achieve a kind of effect, these skills, methods are to accumulate our fans, improve the trust of fans, stickiness and interaction rate. Finally, if the viewer has the desire to buy, he may go to try, the focus of this title is actually the solution to some of the pain points in our lives.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

V. Advice seeking type

The fifth opinion type, that is, for example, a blogger he will ask fans, what kind of results you like, leave your name inside your comments section.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

In fact, this kind is also very common in China. Why do we have to do this, we must learn to deconstruct it. He is going to seek the fans' opinions, actually want fans to achieve more of an interaction, interaction a more, then our comment section is very lively, comment section is lively, then your video may be more people see, pushed to the next traffic pool.

So especially when new friends or sellers are doing it, they must learn to do more interaction. If the title of your video above does not go to do interaction, our bottom left corner of the text area to learn to do interaction.

If you start the video inside no interaction, the end also no interaction, there is really no interaction, these are not the case, we can also try to use their own large number or use their own small number in your comment section to go to their own to send an interactive comment. So the early want to go to do pop video, we have to learn to use some more skills.

VI. High percentage of reference type

After understanding the fifth technique, let's look at the sixth technique, high percentage reference What does it mean? It is that we use the numbers to reflect some polarized performance, for example, there is a video title is used 99% of people will fail. The average person sees some of these numbers andTitle CopyI think I'm going to look at what this video is doing so hard, or to see how you failed, or how you actually went about succeeding. If you say you succeeded, then others will ask how in the end you succeeded, why I did not succeed, which point is wrong to do?

If you fail, again, there is nothing to lose and the comment section becomes a very joyful one for discussion. Finally failing, gloating is actually a point that everyone enjoys.

So you will find a lot of domesticShort VideoThe blogger also has to take such a title, such as learning to do cake, you take a "99% people can not do the cake fluffy and soft" title, many fans will think why others can do so fluffy, why can not I do? The comment section will go to ask, what I am doing wrong? Which point is not good enough? The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

So we are going to doShort VideoThe headline of the time, as far as possible to use some very polarized a number to attract everyone's attention. For example, 99% people will fail and 2% people will succeed. Then this situation will attract others to watch your video through.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

VII. Revealing headlines

The last skill is the uncovering nature. Domestic recently this type of video fire, for example, what tea, fighting counterfeit, we often see a lot of video to reveal some pit.

Reveal the pit of insurance, for example, abroad he went to reveal some steps in the production of KFC chicken legs and so on, in fact, you will find that many people are very interested in revealing things, because we very much have a lot of times he will not understand, then I will go to see what is in the end, this is curiosity makes.

For example, many domestic people he went to do to uncover the pit of insurance, right? But actually he is also selling the same insurance behind. For example, I want to reveal what to do, he ended up doing something related, just to say that you go to reveal something, it proves that you have a lot of professional things in this place or this field can go for fans to learn, to learn, so as to enhance the fans to you a stickiness degree and trust. If you want to bring related goods later on, you can give people some related advice and trust, etc.

This can actually improve the trust and purchase rate very much.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

ok, this is the webmaster shared seven TikTok title tips, I hope you can gain from it, thanks for your attention, the back will bring you more TK dry goods.

TikTok's seven tips for writing super titles

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