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TikTok small store experience sharing, TikTok e-commerce how to do?2024 TikTok Shop

Tik Tok TikTok, 11 7 months ago (02-15) 660 views Included 1 Comment Scan the QR code

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TikTok experience sharing, TikTok e-commerce how to do, the

From August of this year, we began to study and plan for TikTok's U.S. stores to early September, when we began to operate the stores in bulk, and we have been working on them one after another.TikTok shop Make orders and enjoy the thrill of making US dollars out of them.
Then one after another by the platform closed store frozen funds

Then one after another batch of stores to do service providers to prepare funds for MCN to prepare for more than two months, five people will be 8 stores to do the sunrise thousands of single. Consciously also summarized some of the experience and process, summarized into text and everyone together to exchange discussions.

Energy allocation and processes

1. Manual layup tops Account for 60% energy

2.Invitation to contact the person in charge of carrying goods

3.shoot single with a single customer service (shoot single - for single - shipping - logistics virtual warehouse - follow up) operation (pure laying goods with explosives with selling)

4.The current play is based on natural traffic 30% Darling traffic 70%(30% Recommendations to Darren are ranked based on sales, 70% Recommendations to Darren are natural traffic distribution}

Today I'm sharing some of my experience running a small TikTok store with you

TikTok small store experience sharing, TikTok e-commerce how to do?2024 TikTok Shop

Full text

I. Market analysis of the United States region

I believe that over the past few months, if you are inCross-border e-commerceCircle or jittery e-commerce circle, then you will have heard of TikTok U.S. market how hot, TikTok U.S. market how much money ... ... related topics, rather than hear, through the data to analyze the market

a. Market prospects

Tik Tok platform monthly activity 4 billion, daily activity 900 million 2021 TikTok e-commerce market size of 6 billion, 2022 Tik Tok e-commerce market size of 500 billion. Data show that in 2020, the United States Internet economy GMV reached $400 billion, and is expected to exceed $700 billion in 2025.

b. Tripartite requirements

TikTok platform has a sea of people who need products for short videos, live streaming bandwagon

c. Target markets

Currently Tik Tok store merchants about 600,000 against the Amazon TEMU there is still a lot of room to rise each platform at different stages of the store's positioning and management of different policies, to keep up with the policy is the key!

The U.S. is the market with the largest number of TikTok users, with more than 150 million, according to the data. According to the latest data from FastMoss, TikTok has attracted more than 300,000 merchants in the US. Moreover, the closed-loop single-day turnover of small stores in the U.S. has already exceeded the $10 million mark.

Among them, the average daily GMV of TikTok e-commerce in the U.S. market is more than $12 million, and the Black Friday promotion reaches $33 million. Darren with goods accounted for 70% of transaction volume, live streaming accounted for 5%, self-owned self-invested streaming and malls accounted for 25%, short video and live streaming will become the main source of GMV in the U.S. region of TikTok e-commerce

What's even scarier is that the entire TikTok e-commerce index is now growing exponentially!

What are the chances?

In the face of the above data, where are our points of opportunity?

First of all, look at the opportunity level.

In terms of market size, the e-commerce market in North America has advantages such as strong consumption power and large scale compared with other regions. At the same time, the growth rate of TikTok's e-commerce in the U.S. region is indisputable, and from the first half of this year to the present, in just more than half a year, the overall GMV has completed a dozens of times of growth.
During the recent Black Friday, the rise was even more rapid and still has a huge upside In terms of the ecological situation, the TikTok ecosystem is still in its early stages, there are very many ecological positions on which there are still vacancies, whether it is a startup team or is looking for a second growth curve companies, there is a huge opportunity here

TikTok small store experience sharing, TikTok e-commerce how to do?2024 TikTok Shop

Again, look at the risk level.

The immaturity of TikTok's e-commerce ecosystem actually corresponds to a number of risks, whether it is the platform's governance policy, Darren ecosystem, MCN (CAP), head of the group, on behalf of the operation of the service provider, or logistics and other infrastructure services, are relatively in the early stages of the state, and it still requires the concerted efforts of all to promote the ecological development!

TikTok Core Gameplay

The core gameplay of the TikTok mini store is crowd tagging. The algorithm for bytes is known to be"Centrality."

(Currently it lies in the Darling bandwagon and fan stickiness)

And decentralization, to borrow the words of Li Cheng brother is that each industry, products, hobbies, ideas have a specific small center label. For example, we want to make money, then all to the wealth closer.

And turning around the core of the TikTok mini store is the

1. Cognitive TikTok store play
2.Shop page operation practice
3. Commissions Affiliate Getting Started Hands-on

The heart of the store is the Darling Carry (Affiliate Carry)
I.e.:When we did the store group, most of the efforts we made were so that the Darlings could carry the goods for us

And here the Darren for us to bring goods must be passive, that is, we are passive to obtain Darren, let Darren active for me to bring goods, active to Darren to give commission is not feasible!

So how do we get Darren to give us unsolicited carries?

In the simplest terms, it's about making it possible for Darlings to find our merchandise in the commission affiliate
We call the process of merchandise into the commission affiliate into the pool, in short, is that only the merchandise completed into the pool, there is a probability of being actively carried by the Darren, the more stores opened, the greater the possibility of merchandise into the pool!

Here's a break down of the entry pool: the

There are two types of recommended positions for entering the pool:
One that does rankings based on sales
One is the natural position, with a 3:7 ratio.
30% recommended to Darren's goods are based on sales to do ranking, 70% recommended to Darren's goods are natural traffic distribution

Here the ratio, in different countries are slightly different, generally new countries, low competition, more natural places, so we top into the pool, mainly to compete for the natural places of 70%

The natural bits are given to a limited number of items per day, because the number of Darlings is limited, and if theDaily number of products in the pool>DarlingsThen the system will do a minimum sales demarcation (here the demarcation is proportional)

Allocate most of the natural bits to the items that are selling.

Then take Southeast Asia as an example, the initial store, each product has 1 single sales, basically will be in the pool, but with the increase in merchants, the market is mature, the threshold of the pool will be slightly raised relative to the

Indonesia's current pooling is basically in the hundreds of orders, all daily pooling standards are different, mainly related to the daily level of competition

The criteria for entering the pool, which can currently be viewed uniformly and vaguely as sales volume
I.e.:Sales of x or more on the day are entered into the pool
When the market matures, the pooling criteria will be skewed toward pit production
I.e.:Pit yields above x on the day are allowed to enter the pool

So, because store products need to be in the pool, four genres were extended

  • The sd genre, which is based on the marketing method, focuses on the daily pooling line, which allows a large number of products to be pooled through a variety of techniques.
  • Live streaming genre, with a focus on low-priced promotional live streams, researching through live streaming traffic and making starting sales
  • Drop genres, by dropping streams, for items on base sales
  • Natural school, through the private domain + short video natural method for goods to get basic sales

These are just a few of the ways to play small stores on the market, all of which aim to give items a base volume of sales so that most items can be in the pool

The front end of the store is the operation of the traffic, the back end is the logistics and supply chain
Whether or not you can make money from it depends on your control of the details of both

III. Operations manual (thousands of goods)

How many ways are there to ship to the local TikTok store in the U.S.?

1、U.S.A.TikTok local store, support two kinds of shipping methods: Shipped via platform and Shipped by seller.
2、Two shipping methods choose one, currently recommended merchant self shipment, need to complete the shipping template
3, Amazon merchants, you can also choose to ship from FBA, if there are multiple warehouses to choose one can be

How do I set up a shipping address for a small local TikTok store in the US?

1, TikTok store backstage - my account - account settings - warehouse settings, set the shipping address and return address
2, the shipping address can support up to add 20, and can be set to a product multiple warehouses
3、After the TikTok store shipping setup is complete, remember to open the Shipped by seller button.

TikTok local store, how to batch shelve products?

1, the number of main picture 25, the more pictures the more likely to be recommended!
2、Product details page, segmentation is reasonable, clear description, if it is clothing, need size table

How many TK accounts can be tied to a small local TikTok store in the US?

1, a small U.S. store, can be bound to a zero powder master account, 4 five dry powder channel number
2, the main account can automatically synchronize the small store products to the window, channel number manually add products to the window

American TikTok celebrity bandwagon, how to open the bandwagon permission?

1, TikTok zero powder to find the official AM report white open, mainly with TikTok U.S. region hosting the goods are mainly Ha!
2、TikTok U.S. account full of 5,000 fans, fill out the U.S. identity information, the independent opening of the band authority

American TikTok Darling with goods, the difference between online settlement and offline settlement commission?

1. Online settlement.

1) with a selection of alliance products, want to bring what products with what, directly with the explosion is very easy to single!
2) Use real U.S. ID information, otherwise withdrawals appear as secondary verification and commissions may not be withdrawn.

2. Offline commission settlement.

1) Bring products from TikTok merchants in the U.S., set 1% commission for online targeting, and settle commission for the rest offline.
2) seeking pop-up small store merchant cooperation, cooperation with more convenient, more guaranteed returns

US TikTok short video bandwagon, is it better to mix and match or be original?

I'm going to focus here.

1, TikTok short video mashups are not thoroughly hooked up to the car with goods, it is easy to be downgraded small yellow car function and blocked window

2, TikTok in the video U.S. area on the handling of content is also more and more strict, so you will find that recently a lot of doing Japan, France, Germany in the video

3, TikTok original only in line with the platform ecology, in order to always walk in front of TikTok peers!

What to do with original content for the US TikTok short video bandwagon?

1、Name, avatar, account profile, top video, let users know who you are?
2, the product unboxing + function display, so that users know what you sell? For example, the hot explosive water cup
3, product selling points + trial crowd, so that users know your product selling points? For example, the world's first, stringless electric guitar
4, product manufacturing or demonstration process, decompression and to meet the user's curiosity, prompting the order to buy, such as air frame
5、Product use scenarios, highlights live slices and other diversified display, reach the target users
6, the video of the text guide, popular music, hot topics, comments guide, etc....

What are the processes and steps to be aware of for TikTok USA live banding?

Before the broadcast.

1.Set the live theme, live duration, develop live objectives, activity strategy
2, live talk, highlighting the product selling points, mining user needs, amplify user pain points, create scarcity, limited edition, standard product categories, the best product styles greater than 10, non-standard product styles greater than 30 diversion models, sales models, profit models, featured models, scheduling and explaining to grasp the rhythm of...


1、Opening coupons to attract fans, spike models to pull interaction, single product to send discounts, the
2、Driven models to pull stay, profit models to promote the conversion, the limited number of rush purchase package, etc.
Anchor to control the frequency of product explanation, control the live atmosphere, mobilize the user's emotions, timely promotion of the transaction ...

post-live broadcast

1, look at the data review, live GMV = live time * live traffic * live conversion
2, look at the attention rate, comment rate, live click rate, product click rate, click conversion rate, etc.
3、Multiple data indicators, synergistic adjustments, to ensure that the next live to do better

TikTok Mall Traffic in the US, Pure Layups for Explosive Orders?

1, TikTok official definition: station shelf e-commerce solutions
2, the mall because there are activities in the channel area, the mall home page recommendations, product details page recommendations.
3, so the U.S. TikTok store, pure store goods can also be fast single, even burst single

The hottest American TikTok store group play, how to understand?

1, store group mode in the jitterbug, mainly multi-store, pulling dynamic sales, building fishpond mode

2、Southeast Asia TikTok store group, multi-store multi-product, batch collection of shrimp products, store to Southeast Asia TikTok store to sell!

3, the U.S. TikTok store group, multi-store multi-product, batch shelves U.S. overseas warehouse or domestic products to the U.S. TikTok store to sell.

TikTok USA store group play, where is the traffic source?

Mall referral traffic, search traffic, store traffic, guess your favorite, product card traffic, etc...

US TikTok store group play, you won't do it?

1、Selection is the core:.

1) Low price model, small stores in the U.S. have an obvious low price model because of shipping subsidies

2) pop-up mode, with pop-ups is always the fastest way to get results, directly to the TikTok selection platform to see the pop-up products

3) Novelty products, exclusive patented products and other...

2、Motivation is the key.

1) Optimize the product title, optimize the product description page, commodity card traffic, etc., to obtain the recommended traffic, search traffic, etc.
2) Swipe and measure, straightforward, the store's sales, the product's favorable arrangement on the
3) Reddit marketing, high commission to invite reddit, pull up the sales, and then reduce the commission and other ways.

American TikTok local small store, reddit marketing how to do?

1, store program: small store shelves all the goods, all the affiliate Darren visible, only can set a unified Darren with goods commission rate
2, the public program: you can select a small store part of the goods, all the affiliate visible; at the same time, you can set up a person after the merchant agreed to bring goods, you can set up a different person to bring the goods commission rate (recommended to open the sample function, increase product)
Exposure in the Union)
3, targeted program: selected specific Darren and specific products, set a specific band commission rate, invite the appropriate quality Darren, (for example, invite the domestic TikTok band Darren, the sales first pull up)
4、Darren Plaza, screening high-quality, high-matching TikTok celebrities for in-depth cooperation.
5、Use batch invitation software, develop appropriate words and techniques, batch invite reddit, to win by volume.

TikTok USA Reddit Marketing, Want to give free samples?

1, look at the red man's fan portrait, look at the previous period of the bandwagon data and other indicators
2, look at the video content of the redditors, the average playback is not proportional to our product cast flow into.

U.S. TikTok users are not accurately labeled and ads are not properly cast?

1, the label is not precise enough, so TikTok official give the U.S. region to cast flow rebate policy.

2, but do independent station, FB streaming friends, their TikTok streaming roi are more than 3

3, for water cups, air drums and other exclusive pop-up products, newcomers are cast positive.

What's the GST on a small local TikTok store in the US?

1、The price shown on the product detail page is the price before tax, TikTok platform will be based on the requirements of the tax law, to the U.S. tax
Bureau for withholding and payment of excise taxes.
2、When the user places an order, the platform automatically calculates the GST based on the buyer's address, and collects it when the buyer places the order, and the GST standard is different in different states.

How much commission does TikTok USA, the local TikTok store, take?

The commission charged by the platform is 2% of turnover (excluding refunds) + 0.3 USD per order.

How to get past the newbie village with a small local TikTok store in the U.S.?

Limit of 100 orders for individual stores and 200 orders for corporate stores.
1, 60 days regular village, more than 500 orders within 30 days, cancellation rate <2.5%, delay rate <4%
2. Automatic unlimited orders after 60 days, regular exit from the village.

1, 30 days early out of the village, more than 500 orders within 30 days, cancellation rate <2.5%, delay rate <4%
2, back-office applications for work orders to get out of the village early.

TikTok USA, a small local store, how do you get your money back?

1、Personal store in My account-Account Settings-BankAccounts in the binding of the United States personal bank card
2、Enterprise store in My account-Account Settings-BankAccounts bind the U.S. enterprise public bank card
3、Directly docked third-party payment institutions, the opening of the United States virtual bank card, the platform automatically hit the third-party payment company and then mentioned the domestic bank card
4, the store every month on the 1st and 16th out of the settlement criteria, the better the store indicators, the faster the payback time

Which payment platforms can I pay back for a small local TikTok store in the US?

1, Miles Hui, Lian Lian, Pai An Ying, air cloud exchange, pingpong, etc.
2, each person can first apply for 20, a card a store, are available 20 stores
3, back to the third-party payment company's money, 1-3 days back to our domestic bank

What are the three main differences between a local TikTok store and an ACCU store?

Difference 1.
U.S. TikTok Local Store, U.S. Citizen or Legal Entity.
American ACCU store, American business license, Chinese legal person.
Difference 2.
U.S. TikTok Local Store, No Direct AM Docking in the Country :)
ACCU store in the U.S., with ACCU AM in the country Directly to the
Difference 3.
U.S. TikTok Local Store, Invite 20 TikTokers Weekly + Unlimited Private Messages + Sample Request Feature
ACCU Store: Invite 20 people per week, no private messages or sample requests.

IV. Entry recommendations and insights

Now the bar for TikTok's small U.S. store is very high, and you can understand that he, like Amazon, needs to be asset-heavy to operate.

Yet again, TikTok has many more sales conversion links than Amazon, and needs to control both the traffic side and the product side, as well as all the links in the conversion process, and all sorts of unexpected rule changes.

So again, you have to have a team to run it


  • There is no stable small store do not easily come in to play, easy to close the store to freeze the funds, and even the money can not come back.
  • There is no stable source of goods and supply chain shipments do not easily come in to play, easy to bad reviews and violations of the closed store, the money may not come back.
  • White no funds and team do not easily come in to play, high risk, equivalent to gambling with the platform.

A few suggestions.

For Individual White Entrepreneurs.

Don't be training fooled, come in don't do store don't touch the goods, honestly go to do things on the flow, it is recommended to go to do in the video and short drama out to sea this kind of direct cash by the flow of things, don't touch the e-commerce, TK e-commerce needs to be Benshihua, the domestic to do the Darren and the merchants try not to think about it.

For the supply chain.

It is recommended to have the ability to go to the layout of overseas pallets for distribution.

For factories.

It is recommended to make a factory number matrix, to make a boss IP or brand IP

For cross-border e-commerce platform sellers.

Be sure to lay out TikTok, and add an extra TikTok team if you can afford it, now!Cross-border e-commerceWith a model as rolled up as full hosting in place, make sure to capitalize on TikTok traffic by branding as much as you can, doing private domain traffic and doing standalone sites.

For the e-commerce team.

There is a kind of explosive play can learn from: first go to Amazon or select the market to find a recent hot products, first with the death of the store to measure the flow, flow and conversion can be considerable, then look for factories to slightly change the appearance and some small changes, molding, registered trademark patents, at the same time on the shelves of the daredevil, the store continues to measure the data of this altered product, the data can be considerable, then immediately let the factory production and shipment to the local, fast and high-quality Jianlian Da Ren and Utilizing the thinking of advertising money for money to quickly break him.

For TikTok Service Provider Organizations.

MCN and Head of Mission TAP

Pros: Stable policies, low risk, high cap, relatively low investment, the most secure way to make US dollars as a TK.

Do MCN, to enter early to seize the Darren market, and Darren to maintain effective cooperation to establish trust, as far as possible to do the head to get official support.

With the competent support of the official, as an organization can quickly open the market and establish influence, such a shortcut will be N templates higher than the ceiling of peers.


End of this article, thanks for reading, here is

TikTok small store experience sharing, TikTok e-commerce how to do?2024 TikTok Shop

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